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Everything posted by Duckndive

  1. Most likely airborne silicone from an aerosol can EG WD40...... they banned spray cans of any description from the body shop at a garage I worked at years ago
  2. that's what happens when I use me phone to read posts..........New Eyes needed.........
  3. Excellent info But why use the H,D spring with the lock up
  4. B6 is what I used with a t-pot cable
  5. personally any alloy clutch basket that the maker put a band-aid steel strap around to hold it together is a week point when adding more HP than the maker envisaged.... most only add the lock-up to stop slip and not for its original purpose "curve ball" and rarely actually understand how to tune it for its original purpose that aside IMHO and experience the Diaphram blandit or gsxr unit with a lock up is far less tuneable than a coil spring unit for either purpose ... I have seen many diaphram units with lock-ups where the owners run extra springs and moan about the action being heavy and on off "no 5hit Sherlock" INHO the coil spring unit is a far better set up all round...... Eg my last road turbo efe made around 180bhp at 6psi .....I ran 3 springs "out of an original 6" with a lock up running 1 bolt and nut on 3 stands and one bolt and 2 nuts on 3 stands ...it was a 2 finger pull and never slipped ................ but they say its a dark art and I have burnt many plates over the years so I guess it must be.............. ps I also don't like the hydraulic operation either I prefer cable
  6. Well BHP is not silly as we all love it..... but I would not stick 200BHP thru one and expect it to last ....IMHO Waits for Member to Enter Stage left who regularly does and has no probs.................
  7. Yeah they don't like coming off easy
  8. TBH if the original action was ok you don't need the HD spring with the lock up.....
  9. If you need to cure BHP induced slip then just fit a lock up.... if you want a clutch you can fine tune for drag racing ....stick a coil spring clutch and lock up in it PS Blandit baskets tend to disintegrate with silly BHP
  10. Yes there the same on the 16v motors I ran my top end from the end off the gallery.
  11. I used to catch the hoop on the sideistand on mine till cut it off and replaced the pivot and lever so most likely wear in the linkage ......you can adjust it lower Nice looking bike mine was those colours
  12. Duckndive

    GS 750

    4 and 1/2 miles and the points covers fell off already Nice Job..............
  13. Have a look at my mate Johns BIke...... Beware thou he may have spent countless hrs making them and the brackets ..
  14. Strainers are sump specific ... mine with the same sump is oblong "ish" ..yours could be blandit maybe Sorry not best pic field repairs .........
  15. A pic would help maybe
  16. You can set it static to get it running then yes a strobe is best to get it spot on
  17. Does your cable have a 90 Deg bend on the lever end ? only curious as the one I use does "but not 100%" its a B6 one
  18. its worth checking when you set the float heights that the valve is actually shut......before shelling $$ out on new parts
  19. I would not bother with anything other than OEM plates ooh and the answers above ....
  20. The plates in the 16v motors are all the same.....
  21. Looking good .........Where did you get the thunder jet kit from ?
  22. Brand New RG500 on ebag http://www.Eblag.co.uk/itm/SUZUKI-RG500-NEW-UNREGISTERED-NEVER-STARTED-1987-SHOWROOM-CONDITION-/222535904513?hash=item33d02c6d01:g:nOcAAOSwlY1ZNXoi
  23. you can see it with the clutch still in
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