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Captain Chaos

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Everything posted by Captain Chaos

  1. I vaguely remember that in the early '90s FZR1000 forks were popular in GS1000's. Good length and easy swap.
  2. DOT headed Slingy has 36mm carbs, not 38mm. And I think those 36mm CV's are good on a 750, or 34mm flatslides, not bigger.
  3. Difference between 710 and 711 could be power (restricted for some markets like F and D). K and L engines are the same. My 1100L engine was V711.
  4. under the sprocket cover should only be the neutral switch on 1052 engines
  5. f*ck yeah. Maybe it's the picture, but I didn't know Ducati Monsters were that compact.
  6. if you have both bikes available, yes. But if you're sitting at work / at the in-laws for Christmas dinner / on the loo / in the church / wherever, not so much.
  7. Tyre circumference is not difficult to calculate. Why do people need a programme or an app for the most simple tasks nowadays?
  8. so in other words their biggest fuck-up was the lack of communication.
  9. of course that would also be my first choice
  10. let's wait and see how they handle their f*ck-ups
  11. this should help: http://oldskoolsuzuki.info/archives/404
  12. Don't do anything, send it back ASAP or they will blame you for their f*ck ups.
  13. legally you have to offer them a chance to fix their screw-ups, before you ask for your money back.
  14. tell the "professionals" to pick up the bike and fix it, or else your money back.
  15. what is the diameter of the valve shims in 750/1100 M heads? Fanx - CC
  16. how old is the line from MC to slave cyl? Could be expanding under pressure. And what Pies 'R Us says, the pushrod is probably too short.
  17. Captain Chaos


    and they will pop right off again with the slightest pressure. Been there done that etc
  18. Captain Chaos


    Mk1 and Mk2 B12's have different carb rubbers, make sure you order the correct one
  19. it's away from the elements, it's where the plug from the generator to the loom is, it's close to the battery, it's the only sensible place really.
  20. alone in a hotel, in the middle of nowhere, with a Magnum2 nearby. I bet your right hand is doing overtime.
  21. if that price includes the paddock stand, it's actually not a bad deal.
  22. I've got the EFE speedo working correctly on a Slingy wheel and speedo drive. But the Katana has a 19" wheel, so if the drive is also different from an EFE or a Slingy one (different reduction) it might work.
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