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Winged Hammer
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Everything posted by dupersunc

  1. My carbs are all exposed to the spray off the rear wheel. I can see no reason what so ever to run with out proper filters.* *Ok maybe if you are loopy enough to fit a greatbig snail in such away that the air filter would mean you can only lean the bike like an IAM instructor.
  2. If you run a head cooler, and if not why not, you can get fittings that go in an hose lines that will take temp sender.
  3. En8 or en14 if you feel fancy. you still after a dummy engine?
  4. ignitech. Set your own advance curve and rev limit to suit the engine.
  5. That's Charlie Nearburg's Brabham Bt33. He runs than filters on that these days. Sticky throttle slides aren't fun.
  6. Mesh is very restrictive. and dornt stop dust grit grinding your slide rollers away.
  7. The small wire needs to go via a switch. Ideally the ignition switch. Run it through a small orange light in series, so you have and ignition/charging light too.
  8. dupersunc

    Spa bike

    Spoke earlier to Spike. Should be available from early April.
  9. dupersunc

    Spa bike

    There's a place in linconshire that does slingshot fairings Bardney Racing, or Spike at Ragged Edge Racing is doing a mould off my S.E.R.T replica fairing currently, they should be available in the next couple of weeks. Which reminds me I need to kick his arse, and see how far off he is.
  10. Dot heads are quite a bit different. Longer valves for a start.
  11. They aren't very tight. A bit of heat, soft grips and a bit of patients.
  12. What he said^ wire the orange to the same power supply as the ignition, via the kill switch. If you wire a warning light in series to the orange wire feed you will have a warning light that tells you if the bike is charging and reminds you if you leave the gnition switched on when your not running the bike.
  13. Forgot I did this one a few years back. Still got the mounting bracket. a
  14. What bike? I've done a couple of slabbie race bikes and I'm doing a slingshot now. I'm in Dorchester.
  15. Oh. God knows then. How much sag have you got on those forks? The front end must have felt very sketchy.
  16. A what springs are you running.
  17. The first time I went Cartagena in 09, I dropped my superduke on the second morning, and bust the foot pegs, and levers etc. The shop down the road didn't have anything, but a lad in there buying some oil said me might be able to help. I followed him to the other side of the town to non descript build that was probably an old department store or supermarket behind the shoe polished window, the ground floor was full Jap imports, RGVs, TZRs 400s etc. In the lift, 1st floor was full of off road bike, 2nd floor rammed with 125cc and 250cc GP bikes. On the top floor we found some TZ250 pegs that would work, and a lever of a Ducati. Amazing what's tucked away in southern Spain Glad you got some track time in, it's a great little track, you get any laptimes? Now get Donington Booked!
  18. Excellent work. Never thought that clutch m/c would see race duty.
  19. Lovely lovely build. One piece of advice if I may. The tygon reservoirs. You need a breather hole on brake reseviors. You normally have a tiny hole in the cap and a rubber bellow beneath. With no breather hole, like those stupid "hrc" tubes, as the pads wear or the fluid heats up an cools, the Pistons pull back to where they are when the pads where new and you get a load of travel on the brake lever. It only takes a tiny amout of wear to cause issues.
  20. Most likely Glycol based. Bloody Triumphs confusing the issue.
  21. OAT (pink) or glycol (blue) are the choices. The Brand doesn't really mater. There isn't much to choose between them. What ever you do though. DO NOT MIX THE 2 TYPES. If the coolant that came out was blueish stick with glycol based stuff. If it was pinkish/orangish colour stick with an OAT type.
  22. I was there Tuesday, it's looking better. MSV took the place over on 1st January, and Mr Palmer seems to be kicking it into shape.
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