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Winged Hammer
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About dupersunc

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    Dorset, UK

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  1. dupersunc


    Email incoming.
  2. dupersunc


    Fantastic. Thanks Si.
  3. dupersunc


    Really appreciate all your help on this chaps. I'm going to persue the 3D printing route as a back up, in case Si's man in France draws a blank. Thanks, Duncan
  4. dupersunc


    @clivegtocould you lend me one to measure and draw up?
  5. dupersunc


    Some really good fillaments out there now. Carbon renforced abs would do it. It's a little pricey but still way cheaper than other options.
  6. dupersunc


    That would be great Si. Put me down for a pair please.
  7. Yes. What year have you travel back from?
  8. dupersunc


    Thanks Clive.
  9. dupersunc


    I dont have anything for mine yet. Just a fairing. Is Simon on facebook? @clivegto
  10. dupersunc


    Yes, it would deffo be an option. I have the resource to do this, but no idea what the originals looked like. @Dezzado you have a picture of yours?
  11. dupersunc


    One thing I'm really struggling with is a headlight tge Harris fairing is designed for the old 5 75" Cibie headlights. I can get the headlight unit mo problem but tge mounting rings are unobtanium. All the modern 5.75" mounting units are too large too fit in the recess, and won't fit, without fucking the whole look of the fairing. Anyone got any ideas?
  12. dupersunc


    Never seem to have enough time on this and keep getting distracted by other motorcylce projects anx running rrpairs on the car and van. Managed to repair the exhaust header thread and bolt the engine back in. Engine can get bolted in for good now and final plumming an wiring can be completed. Also managed to modify the seat unit to pinch it in at the front where it meets the tank and laid up a seat base. Hoping to get the seat to my upolstere this week.
  13. 154Kg for a current motogp bike! It's how they get away with all the add ons, aero, mass dampers. ride height devices etc.
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