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  1. Paulm

    884 kit

  2. Got mine too Gregg
  3. Youre on the list now Steve.
  4. Mines running 2psi,as Clive says check for kinks in any pipes and make sure the fuel is definitely returning to the tank,in my experience of Malpassi fuel regs,you don't need to check the fuel pressure unless you're having issues.
  5. I shall be at your pitch to claim some then
  6. Yep i'll be there
  7. Maybe not then,my mistake,this one is one of my favourite Spondons ever
  8. Bill Hunters old bike ain't it Clive? Piece of USB history there if it is.
  9. I'm in Gregg unless Liz gets her op through,nothing as of yet though. Class 7 I suppose,CMV 2T,Paulmorris1961@btinternet.com and 1978 Suzuki GS750 Turbo.
  10. Coming along nicely mate,you're on your way down a slippery slope now
  11. Bottle of beer will get you in
  12. Thanks mate
  13. I shall attend my chicken loving friend
  14. Meeeee,Is Hotel Weeman available Gregg?
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