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  1. Anyone coming to Donington over the weekend,make sure to pop onto the Melbourne Loop to the OSS stand and say hello.
  2. Cool,be great to see you mate.
  3. Its the main entrance down by the Melbourne Loop,keep your eye out for a message on here,once i get the info i'll pass it on ti everyone.
  4. Put me down for overnight Larry,should be ok for that as long as me mum is still mooching along ok.
  5. Thanks Mike,yes great to meet another OSS member,if you can come along for a day to Donington,i can get you an entrance ticket and put the Bimota on the stand for the day if you fancy doing that?All i need is your real name to put on the list.
  6. Be good to see you mate.
  7. Let's have you then,who's up for it?
  8. Yes was good to meet and have a chat with you,some nice stuff on your stand.
  9. Well,what a weekend this has been,an excellent attendance of people and their bikes,16 bikes at one point,thank you all.So as usual a bottle beer was handed to me when my good friend @clivegtoarrived and that set the tone for the rest of Friday and several hours of saturday morning as well Several of us were sorry looking souls when we surfaced on saturday Had an absolute blast of a weekend personally,very good quality on bikes on display on the stand.We were also lucky enough to be given along with the VJMC a Motul oil drum table by Suzuki,so we now have somewhere to put our beer at shows,between us and the AirCooledSuzuki mob there were 36 quality bikes in one complete row,that got lots of attention,once again,thanks and also thanks to the members that came and said hello.
  10. Ok mate,i'll leave your entry in though in case you fancy a bit of down time.
  11. Its only a 750,useful bottle bin to be fair,kept them all in one place
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