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Captain Chaos

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Everything posted by Captain Chaos

  1. I'm surprised nobody told you yet to buy another one for modifying and keep this one original. It's the only right answer. Number of bikes one should own is n+1 n is the number of bikes one currently owns.
  2. And introduction in general chat please.
  3. https://oldskoolsuzuki.info/archives/336 Next time I'm not helping you to find stuff
  4. Read the rules. Stickied in general discussions.
  5. did you grease the lever where it touches the piston?
  6. My old man is 76 and still riding. 3 years ago he went to Turkey and Iran on an XT600. You don't stop riding when you get old, but you get old when you stop riding
  7. Yeah but they might also kill someone you know and not just themselves.
  8. What kind of filter? Original Suzuki, or some inferior copy?
  9. http://oldskoolsuzuki.info/archives/2515
  10. 14,8V is a bit too much. Check out the article about charging system mod in the sticky thread above
  11. If you mean the oil drain plug, it is 21mm
  12. It depends on where the bike was sold new. My 750L is an European version (sold new in the Netherlands), low beam and high beam work on both headlights. If yours has H4 light bulbs it is easy to connect both lamps together. But it would be better to use a relay if not already there (J and K have it from the factory).
  13. Powerscreen has helical primary gear
  14. 535 could also mean a German motorcar. Which is not too bad if it's an E28.
  15. How do you know? Good quality oil temp gauge, or some chinese crap?
  16. haven't read the rules have we?
  17. Of course when the engine runs you'll probably still need to clean the carbs ultrasonically to make it properly rideable.
  18. Welcome to group therapy. First remove the spark plugs, squirt some oil down the bores and try to turn the engine by hand. Drain the fuel, also from the carbs, fill some fresh fuel. Wait a few minutes and check for leaks. If no leaks, change the engine oil ( unless you want to do a full engine rebuild, then i would not bother now), connect a good battery and try to start it. You might be lucky. Seven years ago I was given a GS1000 which had been standing for 10 years, i did as described and it started. Only after you know the engine runs, fix the brakes etc.
  19. not according to https://www.motorcyclespareparts.eu/en/suzuki-parts/1991-gsx-r1100-motorcycles/clutch
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