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Captain Chaos

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Everything posted by Captain Chaos

  1. Once i repaired a fuel tank with a bit of soap. Soap becomes hard when in contact with petrol. Was 10 years ago though, maybe fuel is different nowadays with ethanol and shit.
  2. Hello and welcome to OSS. Please take a few minutes to introduce yourself in general chat, and post some pics of your ride.
  3. I've had a 600 cooler on my 1127f engine for i don't know how many years. No overheating whatsoever. But it is not hidden behind a fairing.
  4. unless the other party is at fault of course. Any injuries?
  5. Did the same last year. First I had to clean a lot of sand and gravel and crap out of the sump. And I removed, disassembled and cleaned the starter clutch since it would not engage anymore. Then as Dunc said new cover, new gasket, new oil and filter. Been fine ever since.
  6. As far as i remember a Slingy and Blandit tacho does not work on the coil feed, it needs a signal from the CDI unit. Probably the same for a 750W tacho. But as dezza says just wire it up and find out.
  7. According to people who should know, the one piece crankshafts with helical gears can handle big powers fine. The pressed together ones from aircooled lumps can not handle sideways loads well.
  8. Hi. Take some time to introduce yourself in General Chat, with pics of course. We like pics.
  9. Hi and welcome. Please take some time to introduce yourseld and your bike(s) in General chat. We like to know who visits us. We also like pics of Suzukis.
  10. Yes you once wrote that you bought it in a place very close to where i grew up. Shit like that i can remember, but not my wifes birthday for example
  11. I can answer that. From a village called Luc sur mer
  12. please introduce yourself in General Chat, regardless of your age
  13. Hi and welcome. Don't call it a Katana, it's a Powerscreen. Or a Teapot.
  14. swapping camshafts is no problem, it's the caps that are matched to the head and should not be swapped around.
  15. yeah that makes sence. It's been 25 years since I learned all this stuff in school and never used all this knowledge since. I might have forgotten a thing or two
  16. I was told in school that higher flow = lower pressure
  17. I am also a member of airhuile.com. Some cool projects going on there.
  18. They just decided not to sell it in the USA during the first model year.
  19. Hello and welcome to OSS. Please introduce yourself in General chat, we like to know who we share our internetty space with. And have a read of the rules.
  20. @RustyToewelcome on OSS. Please take some time to introduce yourself in general chat. And post some pics or your ride(s).
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