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Everything posted by bluedog59

  1. I just use a regular cleaning fluid off fleabay. I think it is mainly the hot bath and getting all the muck out that frees things up.
  2. I've found that chucking things in an ultrasonic tank often frees up seized up items.
  3. Phew ! Thanks for clearing that up. Man out "cruising" in biker gear, I had visions of it being some "Blue Oyster Club" type establishment.
  4. Don't let a jovial comment or two yank your chain, you'll soon get the hang of British humour on here. BTW, I wouldn't bother knob waving riding history/prowess to much, there are speed record holders and race champions lurking about these parts.
  5. Please tell me that "Timmies" is 1/4 mile from a set of traffic lights on a straight road otherwise having a turbo is a bit of a waste of time.
  6. Hmmm, If you suspect somebody has been dicking around with the carbs, have you checked they've not drilled out any air passages in the slide ? Are all your diaphragms in good condition and seated properly ? When you're running it without the tank, have you blanked off the vacuum feed for the tap ?
  7. Would the different sizes have anything to do with the different clutch springs, coil/diaphragm ?
  8. Use her make up mirror then.
  9. Check it on a surface plate ( sheet of glass ).
  10. I would suggest that mounting the light directly to the seat unit is the way to go. Fibreglass seats tend have a degree of flex and movement in use so any aperture for a frame mounted light would need to allow for this and probably end up looking overlarge and shite. What did Mr Burns use ? I seem to remember it was off a YZF750.
  11. What mods did you do to the pipe that lost the bhp ?
  12. I'd put the extra inches back in the pipe as well.
  13. bluedog59


    They are fuggin' brilliant and have the bonus of (very slightly) helping the cooling.
  14. I presume that is just a "sample" pic of them and washers will be added later.
  15. Does No2 make any attempt to chime in when you rev it ? Could be a blocked pilot jet.
  16. The frame is going to have to suffer some mods around that area so I should be ok in that respect. If anybody is interested, there are pics in my thread about half way down page 9 in the w/c section.
  17. My 1100 w/c Akra runs 2-1 down each side off the sump then joins into 1 behind the sump.
  18. I'm having a bash at making my own frame and using the w/c motor just adds so many things to the "to do" list.
  19. I'm planning to swapping over from w/c to o/c B12 in my glacial project and would like to use the GSXR1100 Akra. I know I'm going to have do some jiggery-pokery and a sump swap at the minimum. Would the sump off an 1100 Slabbie help ? Has anybody fitted a w/c system on an o/c ?
  20. A couple of old racing addages, Beware the old guy in black leathers. Old age and experience often beats youth and bravery.
  21. Bad connector/earth, furry bulb holder.
  22. I do like a happy ending. Time to make some blue smoke.
  23. Most electrical problems are down to duff connections/contacts and broken wires. Clean them all and break out the multimeter.
  24. It's true that there may be little point in bracing a stock frame, if you are running a stock engine and stock "period" tyres and suspension. If you start to upgrade tyres and running gear you can exceed the original design requirements of the stock frame. Case in point. I "hobby race" our old race bike 2 or 3 times a year with a couple of friends. Last season we were allowed to run slicks and a once trouble free bike is now snapping engine bolts and mounts with the extra force being fed into the chassis.
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