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Winged Hammer
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Everything posted by fatblokeonbandit

  1. Not sure how but the motor is 5 mm off to the Port side!?? better take all the spacers out and see what ive done wrong
  2. Now to see if its all in the middle???
  3. Loosely put all the important bits in to see what it looks like
  4. Well it’s in need to look at the spacers as it seems to be 5mm offset to the port side??? perhapse I should have kept the spacers in the right place not Chuck them all in a box!!!!
  5. Blimey the 1200 motors a bit snug!! going to need a bit of jiggery pokery and a hand from Mrs fatbloke!!
  6. Odd sized taper rollers have arrived, Now i can fit the froint end properly,,
  7. Not yet, got to put it together and make stuff fit, before dismantling it to make it shiny
  8. then they should both have 28 teeth, count them to check. You are of course, very aware of the pitfalls and how easy it is to mess up the installation of the alternator, and break the drive gear on the back of the clutch basket
  9. Both 750's have 30 teeth on the drive gear so are swappable, but 1100's have 28 teeth so the gear needs to be swapped, 600 teapots have 30 teeth as well, so will do a turn. depends what you have and what the one on the interweb is??????
  10. So after a bit of an expedition up north, i have acquired some of JB's Moto Martin. I dont think ill call it Martin, Ill call it Brian Anyway long term project this one, good starting point, and the R1 suspenders from the 7/11 I was doing, mostly fit. the back wheel slotted in and the front just needs new sterring head taper rollers... The Frame is 62mm I/D, slingy stem needs 25mm top and 30 mm bottom, but luckily 25/62/17.3 mm and 30/62/17.3 mm are readily available, all be it a bit pricy
  11. This is why i change to cable clutch on oil cooled engines, not only better feel from a cable, but much cheaper and simpler to fix, and less likely to go worng.
  12. which 1100???? an M is 25x33x30mm which is a TA2530Z £11 from simply bearings
  13. Slabby motors have 7mm threaded holes for the cover bolts as standard, how come yours were 6mm??? I did what Mr bean described once many years ago, when I had a free head with no cam caps, and a box of bits, it took days and lots of patience, which i no longer have, to get it right but it worked..
  14. Yup thats right the yanks were a year late.
  15. Excellent, best paint job ever, heres mine, bog standard, back in 1992, and 6 months latyer, make sure its not this one as iit was bent in the middle. Mudguard and wheels were balck...
  16. Ah right just read your post properly yes b12 are 770mm I don’t know about adjustability but when I stupidly raced my b12 I had the forks revalved and sprung for my weight the difference was night and day
  17. 600 SRAD fully adjustabel, home made stepped yoke length 755mm.
  18. Nothing worng with the standard one, i stupidly raced mine in the Streetstocks, and the brakes were excellnt, hoses and pads make the most differance, I found.. [
  19. is there a track day involved, or is it just standing around talking bollox
  20. As above done it several times get good drill bits and correct speed and drill it mom away working in Romania atm so can’t do pictures
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