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Winged Hammer
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Everything posted by fatblokeonbandit

  1. I wish Id said NO, but its getting there now, 150 nm is a lot!!!!!
  2. I was going to say " Bugger me that's shiny" but that dosent do it justice!!!!
  3. I hope not as My Moto Martin has Yamahamahma R1 front end and wheels
  4. Electricity for Brian… im Going all stick coils just got to sort out the electric string
  5. So now I’ve got to fix it!! i must learn to say no!!!!!!! anuway new crank and £170 worth of mains!!!!!
  6. Would be nice but very expensive, im thinking White agin or the gunmatel coloued powder coat
  7. You can tell buy the seal holding ring at the bottom of the leg is separate on L and M’s. later ones the seal Holder is part of the leg
  8. Had to hang fire on Brian, whilst I have a look for a rattle in a bloke i knows engine. i think it might be poorly
  9. So plan D, knocked up a little tie rod out of bits in the bin mill make shiny ones later
  10. Need to brace the coolers something like this ??? 7 quid 31 mm steering damper clamps
  11. Both look excellent, Clive, I’m erring on the shiny side
  12. it would indeed, but i hate polishing things
  13. slightly different on me teapot, i drilled and tapped the rocker box and the y piece is off to the side
  14. Feed from oil pump goes along to the cooler at the front out the other side into a Y piece under the tank and 2 lines to the rocker box.. one of the pics hasn't come out???
  15. Now then big decision time paint or polish the tank????
  16. I have some pictures somewhere ill find them
  17. I think you have the wrong bloke shipmate
  18. All very well chaps, but in the real world I do actually like the old Bag of Rags, so dont want the hassle of another devorce just to get more storage room so down sizing is the only way.. Also i wont ever have a bike Im worried about riding or droping , i was a bit like that when I finished me 'arris. But then just used it on track days and riding to work for a bit.... And the only time it ever got dropped was when an idiot mate fell over in the carpark at Cadwell as he wanted to have a ride on it
  19. Its room thats the problem, if i had more then i would keep the teapot, but 5 bikes and a single car garage just doesn't work!!!
  20. Work Work Work, getting in the way, havent had a minute to scratch my arse let alone do stuff to Brian, I cant wait to retire in 3 years, Just got to decide weather to sell the Teapot to fund shiny bits, or keep it.... I used to be indecisive but now I dont know....
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