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Everything posted by Gixer1460

  1. If the fuel supply is higher than the carbs then the float bowls will always fill by gravity!
  2. I hate vernier calipers - I was using the end of the slide - not where the '0' was ! DOH! Long live Digital Calipers for Idiots - like me LOL!
  3. Hmmmm! I understand the PWM principle and can glue wires together well enough but creating circuits is beyond my understanding - do you have a sketch or circuit diagram to give it a go....... no point having a 400hp pump when bike only needs a 200hp one!
  4. No harm in checking - build it right - build it once!
  5. Sorry can't help on this one as a) my GSXR has better alt. output and b) I added a bigger AH battery to give a better buffer. Was going to suggest dropping FP and increase opening times - but Arttu's PWM solution sound the better option? @Arttu- on 1/2 power do you still need to adjust inj. times to compensate - or run an alternate map?
  6. Just checked my mapping - bearing in mind its a 2.0L Zetec engine ! Coilpack with 3000us setting (I used 3500us with dyna greens and Motec ECU on my bike), Throttle transients - dunno! Using the settings from base map, std. Mondeo injectors (200cc I think) 0.7 dead time. Regarding the Throt. Transients - DTA has 3 bikes mapped - all suzuki! - and their TT's do vary slightly but not massively to each other or to my zetec tune so would safely say the settings have 'minimal effect' - just smooth the rough edges on accell and decell? Hope that helps.
  7. Could be right! - have semi downdraft float bowls?
  8. I have one on my Mk2 Escort - what problems?
  9. The ID bore would tend to suggest 36mm OD so not 1100M carbs which would be 40mm OD - but they could have been swapped as 40mm's are a PITA to tune easily. Looks like a DJ needle but its a while since I've seen one! DJ main jets are sized in steps of two - 132, 134, 136 etc and only fit DJ emulsion tubes - threads are different as I remember
  10. The DOT head will only fit one model year of the 750's - sorry I can't recall which - DOH. Between the 90 and the 92, I'd pick the 90 - it may have a slightly inferior inlet port compared to the 92 but came with screw and locknut tappets and so a wider range of aftermarket cams. Unless the class or race series requires the use of 'stock' CV carbs - buy the RS38's or (my prefered carb) the Keihin FCR39's............unless you can afford TMR's. Knowing 'what' cams you 'have' is of interest only if selling them - knowing what you want aftermarket is more crucially important IMO.
  11. What ? Like one of these things? Prefer the second type - plenty of gravity flow to supply an S&S draw thro turbo install for me. Just don't fancy that small area in the sintered type!
  12. I don't remember! I got an 1100 alloy arm and put it in my 750 frame - don't remember changing anything! Certainly didn't drill the frame - biggest I have is 13mm But a file could have seen some action......... but don't think so!
  13. Straight swop - did it on my 750ET about 25 lifetimes ago!
  14. Not wanting to sound obvious but if its a 'race' motor throw 'race' cams at it - then it's not an issue? You are in Trumpland and have some of the best cam grinders available - use their expertise. And I think the CV's (if you are keeping them) will benefit from dual K&N's rather than singles........ just sayin'
  15. And the DOT heads never came with Shim adjusted valves so it couldn't have been a 91' 750! The DOT heads are largely the same ie. same valves, only the cams varied
  16. If they had a stroke of that magnitude they'd be over 1600cc - YeeHar! Early bikes GSXR 1052 etc. had 58mm stroke, the later GSXR 1127 had 59mm stroke. Bores changed by a mm as well. The Hippo was a GSXR with shaft drive added and equally tuneable!
  17. Is that piston back to front but in the right / wrong hole - or is that how it came from the boring place? Only reason I ask, is I thought the 'larger' valve cut-outs on the piston would be for the inlets - I know it's not assembled, just looks odd?
  18. This is the rats nest of crap to be removed and once removed the oval pieces that bolt to the exhaust port need blanking with plates - some performance places do cnc plates or just cut some 3mm alloy plate and shape - leaks here will cause loud backfires on de-cell. Pipe 17 to the carbs can be blocked with an M6 screw and a zip tie to hold in position.
  19. I can't knock your fabrication skills but for commercial fabrication reasons wouldn't a regular round tube be a better choice for the 'snorkel' ? Arttu makes a good point re : volume vs surface area - i've seen some smaller, more regular shaped plenums get blown out of shape so badly the guys gave up and switched to SS material - 2 bar boost can be brutal LOL!
  20. Carbs function is all about airflow - cams don't generally help that, just change how much can be ingested - slower airspeed = bigger jets req. Most plenum volumes don't come close to std. airboxes volumes so should improve gas speed. Switch to EFI - and all the problems evaporate!
  21. Sounds like it! Blow through carbs shouldn't need much more on the main jet compared to NA as the pitot tube should ensure equal pressurisation. But as you have changed so many things at the same, time it will be difficult to pin it down to one thing!
  22. Wow! - melodramatic - you are definitely 'a glass half full' type of person!
  23. Have a sneaking suspicion that the liners OD is the same across both models - the Blandit is I believe 1mm bigger - can't confirm though!
  24. Generally done with carbs and exhaust - easiest and cheapest. Sometimes via ignition. Nothing in the bottom end with ability to restrict output (without major cost) so should be identical!
  25. Agreed. And rising rate FPR's are for muppets who can't be bothered to get the installation correctly mapped relying on increase in pressure rather than fuel flow based on load demand. Although many OEM installations are 'dead headed and run NA fine when turbos start to get used for performance then external FPR's and return lines tend to be used more often - for me the latter method works better IMO.
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