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Everything posted by Gixer1460

  1. Appalogies - still a totally different engine and interference comments still apply
  2. NO! - GSX750 has plain bearing crank, 1000 & 1100 have roller / ball bearing cranks so totally incompatible + stroke on 1100 will no doubt catch on the cases!
  3. Anything up to 3 thou is considered reasonable for an interference fit, obviously the bigger you go, the more expansion / shrinkage required. And bear in mind this is all before finished boring / honing is carried out - installing finished sleeves is a No - No (although i'm sure some people have done it!)
  4. You should obviously be aware of buying without getting the V5 especially from a breaker! If you get an HPI check based on the frame number, this will give the Reg. No. and other history . . . . . . then you can get the V5 but be aware if the bike has been off the road for any decent period the DVLA may ask to see pictures of the bike in a complete state or ask to inspect it, so to prove you aren't just trying to register a plate and ring a stolen bike! Of course it could be stolen - but that's the risk you took buying it !
  5. Usually zero or sub zero clearance - requires heated cylinder & cold sleeve or liquid nitrogen cooled sleeve to ambient / warm cylinder - avoids press fit distortion.
  6. Which is essentially the point, whilst liners 'could' be made to fit the blocks, the crankcases would burst apart! Its a combination that wouldn't work so doesn't fit with the OP question! Just checked - i've still got +1mm of overbore + 1mm of overstroke to go . . . . . mind you it gets expensive !
  7. 'If' this was possible . . . . not sayin' it isn't, but If possible, why didn't any US performance shop or supplier ever recommend, or stock or supply such a kit? I know that the GSXR was used long after production ceased in 'grudge / street ' racing where any advantage gained can make big money, but never heard of '1500' oil cooled engines without stroking the cranks? As an example, using 89mm bore & my crank, would give me a 1600cc and I could still go +1 on the stroke ! ! ! Entertaining but highly impractical . . . . . . . my turbo isn't big enough LOL's
  8. Why did you add a picture of 1.5 ohm coils which aren't suitable for use with a Dyna2k and you think you have an ignition problem . . . . these would definitely cause one! I've had 4 Dyna2k's now - the 1st one I bought when they 1st came out and was still working fine when I sold the bike 15 yrs later. Only ever used with green coils but I know grey's work ok!
  9. General advice is no . . . . . but IF they fit and IF the cam turns absolutely without effort . . . . . you could risk it! But proper job would use a Timesert as there looks to be enough meat left to cut a insert's thread and use proper M7 insert!
  10. Assuming the old tensioner was working all the chain slack should be tensioner side so remove old one, wind out the manual tensioner bolt inc. lock bolt. Mount unit with new gasket and old or new bolts. Once done, wind in the tension bolt with fingers until you feel resistance - this is about as tight as is needed. Manually crank engine over a couple of rotations, then check the tensioner bolt to see if any looser - if so, finger tighten again and without increasing tension, lock the lock bolt - job done!
  11. Decking the block won't lower compression - it'll raise it!
  12. Care to explain that? Virtually same package except lighter clutch in a Bandit!
  13. As you've probably disturbed everything, anything is possible. The manuals settings basically assume new or un-worn components but old used components will have 'worn into place' and disturbing them messes that up! The float valves may be slightly leaking causing a rich condition, incorrect needle position can certainly cause a rich . . . . or a lean condition, other outside influences - exhaust, air filter etc can mess with fresh built carbs! Every bike is individual, there are no 'ideal' set-ups only ball park tunes to get close!
  14. I'd try Allens first!
  15. Need more info! Rail mounted or standalone FPR? What level of boost expected determines the potential pressure the pump will have to deal with - flow goes down as boost goes up so limiting potential HP or increasing lean running possibility! And a Bosch 044 is not the automatic answer!
  16. That's a new one on me! I'm aware of dead head fuel systems, generally on NA systems and they run at a set regulated pressure (around 3 bar) But running a pump dead headed permanently at, say 5-6 bar pressure, to cover 2-3 bar boost, not only puts huge load on the pump, i'll overheat the fuel and it would likely be almost un-mappable due to pressure in rail pulsing from 5 to whatever pressure, due to injectors variable opening times. This doesn't sound like a sound prospect - all to save on a plenum air pressure tapping and a boost referenced FPR - a tried and tested solution!
  17. 'Tain't a knob and we do - GS, GSX, GSXR !
  18. I think sub 9.0:1 CR is waaaay to low for use with E85 which is as close to methanol as anything available and that needs compression and rich AFR. Query - if stock Bus pistons have 'correct' ht for your combination why do 'Bus turbo pistons' not (which should be drop- in's) ? Why are they taller and so, even in a Bus motor, INCREASE the CR not lower it? I'm confused! If it is, what it is . . . . . i'd be tempted to spacer plate only 1mm and skim pistons 0.5mm and get squish to 0.8 - 0.75mm (unlikely to over rev a blown motor & stretch rods!) and 9.5:1 CR if E85 is in constant use. Hell that CR would even work with regular 98 super unleaded if boost was moderate!
  19. @Captain Chaos- you forgot 'its Hideous' . . . . . . . . and parts donor for what exactly?
  20. Gixer1460


    Strictly not an ECU but ignition / timing unit. That one certainly ain't an 1100 K, L, M or M. Not sure if GSXR at all?
  21. How did you get to 'reciprocating weight'? All the discussions were referring to Sprung and unsprung weight - quite different!
  22. Not a very common mod a) due to the problems you've outlined but also b) the likely overheating issues due to the lack of barrel finnage! Also if oil cooling capacity is increased the overall engine oil flow could be compromised due to increased flow resistance through bigger coolers. I did 80.5mm GSXR pistons in a GSX Gorilla block on EFE bottom end and GSXR head for a drag race motor - it worked but was a one trick pony !
  23. I'm guessing the US market for these bikes isn't as strong or as popular compared to Europe hence no interest, and yes you will have to 'virtually give it away!' Also gonna have to factor in freight costs if selling to Europe and that won't be cheap either which will hit sale prices! So, unless the parts are very rare or exotic, its a buyers market in terms of returns!
  24. WOW - you are on the ball, reply after 5 months and for the benefit of the OP who only hung around for 7 days, not been back since!
  25. To best of my knowledge, those tubes are cast in to the bodies so you won't find a part number. Bending a new one isn't impossible but the end bends will often kink which makes them useless!
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