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Winged Hammer
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Everything posted by fatblokeonbandit

  1. do you need this one?? its surplus to......
  2. I cant see the size from here but i have one at home, ill have a look later as long as you remind me.
  3. cost wise, sell that and buy a standard one is the cheapest way
  4. S = faired N = naked 1996 = T 1997 = V 1998 = W 1999 = X all the bits are the same for all mark 1's except the 1995 1156cc pre production models that have various differences.. faired looms have longer bit at the front to reach the faring but work exactly the same.. How much for the front end
  5. 220mm.. if i remember correctly, I can check tonight after work..
  6. you have 2 problems, the taps passing, normally due to the diaphragm, but at the same time one or more float valves is passing normally due to crap in the seat, if original fule pipes then it could be the insides are deteriorating and bits get in the float valve, or the valves are buggerd or the orings have dried out. seen it several times and had it once when my very expensive pingle decided to pass fuel when in the off position.. Both faults have to occur at the same time to fill the engine.. as said you need to drain the sump and cooler as its all contaminated..
  7. Rule 23, Engines shall be black or silver or any combination of the above.. Optional Stainless cap head screws. Coloured cap head screws can only be used in an emergency,
  8. Fronts are the same , rears depending on year, the spacers and disc offset mighit be differant, there is a 3 letter code cast Into the wheel, if they are the same then all is good
  9. nope its one of my spares.. I was saving it as a project to do next winter slow time, but im bored
  10. Now the starter motor, silver or black??????
  11. Yes I've always done the barbells, but I tried the sump and rocker box as I have lots of silver paint, not sure about the rocker box???
  12. Silver?? i was bored bored bored and this engine is my 2nd spare, it was in the garage in the "too much like hard work" pile.. so as I was bored i had it to bits and tonced it up, using just the cans i had, , BUT is there too much silver?????? And now what do i do next weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. If its bleed properly, Plates are stuck because its been sat, its not disengaging properly, fire it up and hold brakes on and put it in gear, might take a few attempt, but it will free off ..
  14. When i bought all the blue and white stuff i never did find a pillion seat that why it has the hump on it, so i cant say for sure but everything else was good, just the grab rail mounts needed making, easy peasy..
  15. Found some, this was 2004/5, another one I should have kept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Yup its not to difficult, just the rear grab rail mounts dont line up, a few brackets need making nothing difficult, I'm struggling to find the before and after pictures due to the bastard Photbucket site not allowing me to copy my own pictures????? Ill try harder.!!
  17. Ill have a look at out bearing suppliers at work on Monday, or just run a 16mm drill through the frame if there is enough meat in it.. Do a picture of the frame holes
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