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Winged Hammer
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Everything posted by fatblokeonbandit

  1. I would take both pipes off and let it drain, it makes sure there isn't any contaminated oil in there..
  2. No idea what year yours is but ill bet they haven't changed much?????? just do a search???? https://www.wemoto.com/bikes/suzuki/gsx_750_w_x_inazuma_js1ae/98-99/picture/fuel_tap_repair_kit
  3. Yes it's a vacuum tap, no flow if the engines not running... See you can get a repair kit.. BUT the carb float valves must be passing as well or they would shut off and not flood the engine....
  4. At the very least you need to change the filter and drain all the oil in the sump and the cooler, is the cooler top or bottom fed?? Last time this happened I used some cheap oil to flush the system completely.. if the tap doesn't have Prime then its definitely passing so will need rebuilding..
  5. For this to happen you have to have the 2 problems at the same time, the fuel tap passing when engine not running, and one or more float valves not shutting off. Do as dezza says above, then stick your carbs in a vice and rig up an auxiliary fuel supply, that will show you which float valve is passing, and try it again when they have been cleaned or replaced. Then check fuel tap isn't on prime before fixing it..
  6. They dont overheat unless there no oil or like D&D said the coolers covered/blocked. it will be a vacuum leak or tap problem or crap in the carbs
  7. theres a B6 starter for £10.50 on a certain auction site
  8. Isn't the inazuma motor the same as a b6 or gsx750 teapot???
  9. Short answer "YES" Long answer... yes but you need yokes, wheel, discs, calliper's spindle and speedo drive, they are long enough as I have 750 L front end on mine, same length, and its fine, maybe even a bit long, im going to drop mine 10 mm to aid turn in.. Gratuitous pictures of flying teapots...
  10. look in projects under "Im a little teapot" its all in here, different forks and brakes and swinging arm and engine and cooler and ....................
  11. MMmm hang on shipmate from left to right SKF Italy FAG hungary Codex Slovenia NSK Japan Koyo Japan
  12. I think you may be right I was the engineering manager in a pie and sausage factory for 10 years we used to buy hundreds of bearing a week due to the night hygiene crew using pressure washers on conveyors belts............. Cheap is good..............
  13. used them for years since I worked in a food factory, I usually get the single seal and pack them with grease before installing them..
  14. Last run out of the year on the recently fixed teapot, anyone else going.
  15. Sorry I didnt get over with the bits matey but i was sat beside the M5 with a broken van, glad you had a good time, i know what you mean about riding on the road, i never bother anymore.. now if i could just talk the wife round...................................................................................................
  16. same problem I had with the triumph wheels only 4.5 inch rear rim, I wanted to have decent tyre size so I had a 5.5 inch stainless rim made!!! That cost £300 on its own.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. That's the same wheels I sold them to Tony couple of years ago..
  18. These cost a fortune i built them for my harris, then fitted them to a bandit, lots of spacers and bearing swoping involved, the rear wass a one off 5.5 inch rim i had made.!!!!
  19. Banged many fat chicks when I was a young stoker, never regretted any of them
  20. Like i said there are loads of 54mm k series yokes that are the same, have a another look at the chart.. also dont forget the top hat spacer for the top yoke to take up the diferance in stem diameters..
  21. Ill bring them to castle coombe, are you there saturday and sunday??
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