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  2. Looks like I used a An8 male male adaptor on the T
  3. its an Eblag special, ill PM you the link matey..
  4. My dyna ignition lasted a few hundred km's before one of the pickup's gave out. I tried to contact dyna about it but they don't sell any parts by themselves and I didn't wanna buy another kit at full price so I'm back to points untill I redo my igntion system.
  5. @fatblokeonbanditWhere did you score that from shipmate
  6. There are two different sizes i just found out trying mine, 1988 J model had a diff starter clutch and the holes are further apart hence looks like you have that one. If you look at the parts fiche for the gsxr1100 it shows the two diff types, I ordered mine from GB motorcycle products and they do two diff sizes, found the tool very useful to hold the starter and tighten the bolt !
  7. Interesting Clive. I know that when Sean / Woody were running the Spondon Kat Turbo with a HSR 45 / 48, they used to experience fuel starvation ie. bowl got drained faster than fuel could be pumped. That was using one of the tubular Red / Gold top Facet pumps. I believe the cure / fix was a drilled out float valve + higher pressure (3+ or more psi) such that flow was excessive at idle so engine had to be revved (as if ridden by a right tool) constantly to avoid flooding stall - once launched, full flow was enough to stop a lean condition. I think if any decent amount of boost is likely ( at least with a blow through) it might be better to use a EFI type pump with decent FPR and tank return. If a draw through with multiple carbs then maybe a Red / Gold top Facet may work ok.
  8. WOW....!!!! amazing work. luv the matt finish. Where are you located...?
  9. I used one of these with a HSR 42 & 45 https://www.fuelpumpsonline.co.uk/facet-low-pressure-fuel-pump-road-40104-15-4psi-5-p.asp with a 1 to 5 psi regulator But HSR dont like much over 1.5 psi .. Never used a pump with an S&S as the bowl is huge so a high flow tap worked fine "caveat on the road was best to keep tank over half full"
  10. Yep, I had to space out calipers on slingshot forks with bandit wheel and discs
  11. It's possible I had to use an adaptor. I'll try and get a better pic
  12. It's a 1052 with bits
  13. The nature of your t-piece can't be seen. If it's the same as the one in the kit as in the OP, then a male-male adapter will be needed to connect the hose coming from the cooler to the T. So if someone buys the kit, to use the T-supplied an additional male-male adapter is also required. Or simply buy the bits separately and use a T or Y adapter with all male ends as duncan describes. I.e the T bit supplied with the kit is not much use (as it is) if a head cooler is to be fitted. I include a picture of my set-up for clarity
  14. Off topic, but what engine is that? I see that you have the slabbie valve cover with the integrated breather.
  15. Depends where the cooler is. On my slingy, the cooler is where the airbox sat and the two ducts supply cool air to it. The t worked perfect.
  16. Yesterday
  17. It's digital. The 12v to each bulb is either on or off, a binary state. 1 or 0. It's clunky, but still digital. 12v or 0v. You could still encode it all as digital bits. Regardless of how it is displayed. The 7 segment version works the same way, and is no more nor less digital, except each line in is used to drive different segments in the display. Analogue refers to a continuously variable input or output. Analogue speedos make sense, gear indicators not.
  18. Im just finishing off a customers draw through GSXR and we want to fit a facet style pump to make sure there is adiquate fuel supply, ive got the reg already. Wat size pump should I need for say 300hp?
  19. But these don't work like that - a lamp lights behind a translucent number indicating selected gear.
  20. Be good to see you, and needless to say there will be ET content.
  21. I'll do one of the days
  22. Just updating this with confirmation it'll be late June (weekend 21st or 28th). Also to say I'm currently working on a magazine/blogger/vlogger attendance that will hopefully tie up with Kickback in Malvern. If it comes off then the idea is a background thing on the bikes and people out in the wild. I'll update as things go along, but if you want your bike to be photographed that'll be fine, equally if you don't (on the run, shy, misanthrope, whatever) then that's fine too. Other than that it'll be the same as last time.
  23. As Peter said check tank vent.
  24. The t piece in the kit isn't much use for fitting a head cooler. Depending on hose routing, using a more compact t or a y piece as duncan states for the feed from the cooler to the head will give a better result.
  25. The output is a series of displayed digits like a digital watch, as in definition 2 . So it's digital. digital | ˈdɪdʒɪt(ə)l | adjective 1 (of signals or data) expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization. Often contrasted with analogue.• relating to, using, or storing data or information in the form of digital signals: digital TV | a digital recording. • involving or relating to the use of computer technology: the digital revolution. 2 (of a clock or watch) showing the time by means of displayed digits rather than hands or a pointer. 3 relating to a finger or fingers.
  26. Exactly !
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