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Everything posted by teltwosheds

  1. Sorry about the misunderstanding on the frame doh! I assumed it was a round tube like my one. And yes I do hoone about on it and feel a bit of flex now and then
  2. You had best check out the katana frame post for bracing the frame first
  3. Ok, that's it all up to speck, now where does this cup of sp*nk go? sorry, I'll get me coat
  4. Well lets hope the oil feed resolution resolves it . I get the smoke bit. Any idiot knows the magic smoke keeps the electrikery ticking
  5. Ouch! Time to get the magnifying glass out on the lot of them.
  6. I'm no engineer so I would opt for using a quick shifter and see how it goes from there. Am I right in assuming the shaft bearing retaining ring is not showing signs of movement ?
  7. Welcome, I do like those spoked wheels Were you ever tempted to try them in the 97 (silver) bandit?
  8. Sounds like the carbs need checking. You won't get hydraulicing with just a dodgy tap DOH! unless the diaphram is holed and the fuel is entering through the vacuum pipe
  9. I was just wondering I know folk who will do at least 3 or 4 designs before touching a frame and others who hit them with the grinder an build as they go.
  10. Dis you fabricate this as you went along, or is there a bin full of discarded ideas? Looking good
  11. I take it that's pangbourne not cardiff whitchurch lol I know my way to both of em lol
  12. No they don't exist. That looks like a tidy graft job to me
  13. Hi, I'm not much help I think the all red like Weapons in his other post is spot on
  14. If it is used to adjust taper bearing it will probably be a metric fine pitch 1.25 instead of a standard 1.5 .Doh!!! miss read question All my suzy chain adjusters are m8
  15. Apply for a Q plate? seems logical. As that frame is not on the scraped list,and. C'mon it's a bitsa .........."Ca'nt find a shfty whistler" emcon? doda what'sit"
  16. Pri is for prime. the tap pushes a tang onto the diaphragm thus allowing free flow of fuel ;-) Mostly used when the bike has been standing for a while, or just refilled after running out of fuel. HI :-)
  17. Where the leads go into the coils, cut top and bottom along the length with jnr hacksaw or dremell, remove the strip of casing to get to the lead.remove lead and replace with new piece. Smear araldite over the new piece to seal it into the casing and put the strip back in with araldite whack a bit of tape round it till it sets job done ;-)
  18. You may as well check your advance retard springs while your at it
  19. Did you try the super glue trick?
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