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Everything posted by TonyGee

  1. TonyGee

    Fork fitment

    my bandit has a triumph 675 front end on it, they are about 25mm longer than the standard B12 front end so no nose dive, i slid the forks through so i could keep the standard bandit ride height.
  2. they would make more money and sell more on their genuine parts if they weren't so fecking greedy
  3. no mate not tape, but they do have a cable tie round them to stop them popping off by what ive read on the tinternet no one has had to change the pilots !!! but just shows you carbs are not all the same. but glad i got their. it was a joy to ride today for the first time. their is a rolling road in my town but heard some bad reports plus he doesn't do carbs !!!
  4. what does the molasses do Clive, and what is it ?
  5. hard to say really, not all engines are exactly the same and also the air temp, i give it 3 or 4 miles before i open it up, should be enough.
  6. does anyone think the same about the word "petcock" ? I know its what you American's call them but it always sounds like you have a thing for your dog's bits
  7. sounds about right, I tend to use full choke for starting and then immediately push it back to about half way. you can control the rev's with the choke but no one want to here their cold engine revving its tits off !!!!!!
  8. well finally fixed it, put the #40 pilot jets in and it ran rich as fuck !!!! (from one extreme to another) so cleaned the plugs, set the mixture screws to 1 1/5 turns out and lifter the needles up one notch to the 4th one from the top, took it for a road test and it ran sweet, its never run so good and the plugs are clean. so happy days. now to get some miles on it
  9. most problems i came across with the busa was fuel related, normally the pump.
  10. feck me thats minging !!!! are you giving the tank a good swill ?
  11. good news for your sister, we transplant bike bit all the time on here but for someone to transplant living tissue to another person is way above what we do, well done to the surgeons.
  12. feck !!! I can hardly hang on to a standard bandit these days
  13. well i think you have all lost your marbles fitting a turbo to a busa
  14. yep where the dealer mode switch plugs into
  15. the filters inside get blocked and looses fuel pressure, time for a strip me thinks, teabag filters are pretty cheap
  16. not a fan of the busa (or any faired bike) but they are a beast, rode a few over the years. did a 140mph on a customers bike once on a coast road near me and was only in 3rd fecking gear he said it wouldn't rev out !!!!!! not a lot i could do really
  17. wrapped some tape round the filters and it seemed to run better, still the odd pop but not as bad, still to wet to ride it though. standard pilots are 37.5 so i might order a set of #40's and see how i get on. bloody motorbikes
  18. lol, i wish it was that easy wraith
  19. was looking for an air corrector kit for B12 carbs but can't find anything !!!!
  20. yeah seems really weird !!!!! as i said the carbs have done less than 17,000 miles and look perfect inside, i do have a spare set of carbs just in case.
  21. inlet rubbers are perfect and new O rings fitted, fuel tap is an ON/OFF/RES and flows as it should. the engine i know is good as i took it out of a 1200 bandit with less than 17.000 miles on it, ran perfect with airbox. carbs have been cleaned and float heights checked and no leaks on the float valves. gona tape up the filters just to confirm its running lean, if so then maybe go up on the pilots.
  22. lifted the needles a notch (5th groove) and 3 1/5 turns out and still popping and hanging rev's !!!! but rain has stopped play. the instructions say "US market only" !!! I wonder if thats got anything to do with it ? theirs a lot to be said about airbox's
  23. they where the settings the guy on the net used and it ran shit !!!! thats why i used his modified settings, my bike pulls through pretty good but the revs hand in-between gear changes so a lean condition, if i use the dynojet settings it will (in theory) run even leaner !!!! but i suppose its worth trying. one other thing, the fecking K&N filter on 3 and 4 keeps sliding off the carbs !!! ive cleaned everything up and still slides off no matter how tight or loose i have the screw clamps. had to wrap a cable tie round it
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