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Everything posted by clivegto

  1. How did you get on with this, any Intresting results to report.
  2. Air mixture screws on carbs maybe.
  3. Copied it of Lee's first one but I glued the logos in.
  4. Not cheap but is top quality, got it of @Jay_111Lucky 7 Moto.
  5. Don't worry about it, will be ok without it.
  6. Fitted some b12 carb rubbers & carbs to the dummy motor then the simple plenum I had. It will need altering a bit but it doesn't look as bad as I thought it might. Going to run the boost pipe from the turbocharger under the side of the engine where a normal frame cradle would have been.
  7. Can not remember which tubes are diffrant, but it is only the L shaped bit that is usual brazed onto the tube that needs altering. All it does is stop the oil from blasting straight up into the engine from the oil pressure relief valve, not difficult to modify.
  8. Simple one works fine on my set up. But may be a better designed one would be even better.
  9. After lots & lots of head scratching going to go with the blow through turbo. Engine is now positioned to the front of the frame this will give more room for the pelenium. Turbocharger will need re-positioning a bit so it don't hit the front wheel.
  10. I have a blow through kit as well for a b12 I could modify to fit. Just liked the idea of fitting a draw through kit to this 1980 Harris might have a rethink.
  11. Not without modifying the frame & tank.
  12. If you have spent a lot of money on the engine why not get a better flowing tap, it can not hurt apart from a little extra cost but not a lot in the sckeem of things.
  13. Well if I am going to fit this draw through turbo the engine has to go further forward than the last pic because the turbocharger hits the frame rail that mounts the shock.
  14. This is a pic of the turbo kit on its last owners bike that I plan to fit to the Harris.
  15. More playing around with the engine position it now sits lower & more central.
  16. Yea think your right, spent quite a few hours mesing about with engine & turbo kit position. Looking like most the turbo stuff is junk.
  17. Still messing about with the engine position, this pic is with it in the middle down pipes fitted & turbo roughly positiond. Nowt fits but the swinging arm position don't look to bad to me.
  18. Not all the time, it's just sat there in the pic.
  19. Been mesing about with engine position & where ever I fit it the kit I have does not look like it will bolt straight on. Looks like a bit more head scratching, turbo was designed to fit a Kat.
  20. You only hear it with engine off on start up when letting it clear the oil before start up.
  21. Thanks for all the replies fellas. @nlovienwas thinking that might be the way to alter it if I go down that road.@Swirlthe owner thinks the yellow framed one is for the gsxr1100 motor origanly. Have seen other early mag 2 frames with what look to be the same back top engine mount for Z' s. @fatblokeonbanditvery Intresting pics already fitted my engine just about like that but am waying the options up befor the final build. @baldrickI can see the thinking in that but don't really want to alter the frame that much even though the seat unit has been changed.
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