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Winged Hammer
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Everything posted by fatblokeonbandit

  1. Hang on.......is it a mark 1 or mark 2?????????
  2. I haven't got any measurements Im afraid, unless I dismantle my 1200... The 600 and 1200 frames are basically the same construction but with a few differences, the rear foot peg brackets and lower triangular engine mounts, are welded on on a 600 bolted on a 1200, the rear bottom engine bolt hole is 10mm on a 600 12mm on a 1200, the lock stops are different sizes and the 600 doesn't have the brace between the front engine mounts.. Some people are of the view that the 600 frame is made of lighter gauge Steele, and the geometry is different, its not..
  3. yes there is a difference. the 600 stop is fan shaped like tony's the 1200 one is a much narrower lug, like the other pictures..
  4. Is yours a 600 then, Tony's pic is a 600 frame, the others are of 1200 frames it's different, what yokes have you got??
  5. the gear with the broken engagement dogs, is number 4 top driven and the one with the worn lugs is number 5, 2nd driven.. they are the 2 that always go apparently,, juts bought them both for £30, but if you have spares Ill have them as well please..
  6. this is a 1200 lock stop the 600 one is much wider..
  7. 1200 as above 600 frame has a fan shaped stop like you thought...
  8. Nope its a 25mm stainless m6 all the stub ones and oil pipe ones are 15mm... its a cover bolt that has somehow got in there?? anyway was cleaning all the good bits and found the 2 pump dowels,, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think the left one is feked..... Blimey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. An oil pump jig saw puzzle..........................
  10. Im sure this is what has hppened, don't know where the cap head has come from or how the hole appeared in the screen, but its got in there and jammed solid and destroyed the casing..
  11. When I had a pressure gauge fitted, I replaced the pressure switch with a legris fitting, and ran the small bore pipe through the hole for the wires so it was all hidden. I now have a yoshI temperature guage with a sump plog sensor, works fine
  12. Lets see if it works or goes bang when i push the tit
  13. This is whats happend I reckon, the bolt head fits the dent in the impellor too well.. it must have jammed solid and the rotor moved the stator sideways and the casing gave up..
  14. well looks like i might be lucky after all, no damage to the crankcases except a bit of ware where the oil pump drive gear was hitting the case before it all jammed up.. so new oil pump flush all the bits out and slap it back together all the bits are accounted for except a stray m6 cap head in the sump????? dont know what caused it but its never been apart|????? how the hole got in the strain er screen I have no idea..
  15. So the K6 engine ive got in bits has the central pin as well as the outer pin, the spare engine I have that turns out was from a 2002??? has just the outer pin like the mark 1's????? so fek knows what year they changed??? every days a school day.
  16. Im sure the the 4 wire ones ive got only have one pin???? this is the same as the K4 mark 2 ive got, ive also got a K6 engine as well ill have a look tomorrow..
  17. Its the neutral switch plunger, there should be only one looks like you have a spare
  18. I dont think the previous owner was hot on maintenance!!!!!!!!!
  19. nope, it's another bandit I bought as a project with a dodgey gearbox???
  20. well it looks like my middle name could be Lucky after all, pump in bits but I dont think the cases are feked.... strainers got a hole and 2 extra bolts in the sump?????????????????? oil pump and strainer anyone??
  21. Thats kind of what im hoping... and as my middle name is Lucky... Oh hang on, no its not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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