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Everything posted by vizman

  1. both @minx s' 7-fiddys almost out of storage for @MeanBean49 to collect
  2. both @minx s' 7- fiddys in storage
  3. .......anywhoo as per the rules @boilerdude play along or move along.
  4. i'll wire your bike up for £40 an hour.....i'm only up near spalding
  5. only for most the wee fannies on here it seems
  6. dayamb'....that's kool as eke'
  7. kool, proper mo'sickle.
  8. ....i say i say boy no one c'c'c'alls m'm'm'me rusty.... ya hear me boy.... ....i'm like a well oiled love egg.....(cue puns)
  9. .....or an extravagant side stand.
  10. just an Asch experiment.......for the greater good.
  11. this guy didn't refer to his teapot as a katana..... ....so stop exaggerating and play along.
  12. ....and wears ladies underwear
  13. bottom rails missing, so big machined cam cover/stressed member thingy-me-do-dah
  14. we also have outer lip adjusters
  15. yup, but that's not what the post is about...... ....big sigh...roll eyes.... .......we have this set-up already, we was wondering who was the manufacturer was or indeed is.
  16. no ho ha caused.....it's all covered in TFR.
  17. similar style, but this is a purpose built monoshock rear arm (harris style) for the gs, not a flipped over bottom braced arm, so i'll investigate the saxon route.
  18. it does indeed look like a doughnut with jam in the middle when in actual fact its jam covered in........
  19. both set-ups (the bike pictured above and the one we have) are the same, so i was guessing they were an early 'kit' from someone like metmechex/davida/dresda/etc, i say early as it's steel as opposed to aluminium.... ....but i'm just guessing....i should've taken time out to find the owner at Donny.
  20. dresda or an early harris kit i was thinking.....but i have no idea, just guestimations.
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