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Everything posted by vizman

  1. vizman

    Engine Help

    welcome.....start ripping it apart, might not be as bad as you think
  2. is it in shipside locker 1a?
  3. ....easy action bottle opener.....not so easy access shifter.... the smell of diesel and the image of a wheeling Klingon d7 in the slabby mirrors
  4. the steward wearing a 'zero fucks given' t-shirt asking havoc aboard his 'Anarchy EZ' not to ride around at 3mph without wearing a lid..... .....if the kidz are united....we will never....be divided....
  5. an awesome collection of modified hammatsu hammers
  6. vizman

    Magni bandit

    you, gee, ell, why ...... you ain't got no alibi, you're ugly....
  7. ahhh, i see, we went for a little more length, not full on drag slots, but a tad longer than usual.
  8. when fitting the dudettes slabby with a bottom braced metmachex/6 inch oz rear we cut off the eccentric adjusters, and i drew up some alloy slots with a step in one side, yan(BFT) made them up for us. it allowed the use of the chunky 21st century rear hoop sit in the narrow late 80's swinger.
  9. i've never seen a two smoker sharing an expansion chamber
  10. funny....i thought you'd have a sense of humour with you owning a Italian tractor
  11. actually, it's our 'hing...... .....welcome to oss, please take 5 to RTFR.
  12. all my blow through suzukis loosened their header bolts....
  13. ...missed out 'very' and 'kool'.....more a very kool efe powered 'arris .
  14. ...not really an efe...more an efe powered 'arris
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