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Everything posted by vizman

  1. i've cut n' shut steel stems before (only on my own bikes)
  2. direct on mine and the dudettes d/t turbos
  3. had one on mary for two years doing 400 miles a week, no problems.
  4. i make them for any bike, pm me if you want a price
  5. @boilerdudei find it's a privilege to have access to the internet and platforms such as OSS, where we can log/debate/share our experiences.... my 'showng you the exit' comment was not a threat, more a gentle reminder that if you don't like it here you can always move along, please RTFR. we have site users that visit and post frequently, some that visit frequently but only post now and again and every combination of viewing/posting ratios you can think of due to work/family/holiday/illness/etc.... so please don't get your panties bunched-up if the answer your looking for isn't instantaneous, the same 'bunched panties' applies if you get answers but they still don't answer your question. i hope you change your attitude and stick around to share your OSS shenanigans.....have a few days on the quiet step. if you don't change your attitude we bid you farewell.
  6. everything is easy if you are shown...... ......i can show you the exit if it's all a bit much for you.
  7. ossum'......Liz has zero fear (well she don't appear to show any) and well done @clairetoofor building an ossum' looker and goer' OSS machine
  8. kool....keep the beast alive there is no 'us and them' you can only speak for yourself.....unless you're the glorious leader
  9. like the above, further investigation.... .....but save time and cut out the bad and replace with good.
  10. it's certainly OSS if it wasn't it would've been deleted...... ......go your own way with it dude, please your inner demons and not the masses
  11. i'd keep the skinny standard wheels, replace the head light and bars for a bates and 18inch apes, throw a set of leather saddle bags on the rear, a set of toast racks and 4 drag pipes.
  12. it's a shafty with a hardtailed/modified standard frame.....it's never gunna' be a 'looker'
  13. if I had a pound for.......
  14. if i had a pound for.......
  15. you're drunk sailor.....back to your scratcher
  16. i'll be drinking tequila wearing a natcho libre mask from the 26th Tom
  17. it looks like a 'chaved-up' busa one
  18. if NP is selling them they're probably good enough, give him a call he's a nice bloke.
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