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Everything posted by vizman

  1. vizman

    1st mods

    .....take out the tcp......
  2. vizman

    1st mods

    .....that and the rules.
  3. vizman

    1st mods

    good job oss aint looking for blandits then drastically modify it
  4. i have to wear the correct ppe at public events as people have started throwing rotten veg at me....
  5. vizman

    1st mods

    you all get the same treatment, old, young, widowed, divorced, fat, thin, male, female, retards, geniuses, 80000post count, 10post count.....the rules aren't hidden.
  6. vizman

    1st mods

    sell it, by something ol'skool....i always have to be the 'bad cop'. 1 RTFR 2 welcome back
  7. vizman

    1st mods

    ey-up cooky.....i'd do something drastic to the b12...or it'll get deleted
  8. vizman

    1st mods

    ....like a gs 550
  9. i don't believe that and certainly hope that's not the case.... ......i think most people are nursing alcohol/drug/sugar/in-laws/etc comedowns/hangovers.... if the motor is in true and the rear wheel is centred, i would take the front sprocket off and pull out the spacer that is sat on the sprocket output shaft (the front sprocket butts up against it) measure it. you can then determine if this is the 'trouble'
  10. you're just being silly now jay
  11. sooon, got her a new frock and accessories
  12. well with you having a similar set up on the other bike..... also depends on what rear make 180 you're using, because ive ran 180 rears on slabby 750s with no mods to the front sprockets close but not touching
  13. i thought you'd've checked that.....never mind.....beaten to it.
  14. tyre size is irrelevant for sprocket alignment here
  15. if its an oil boiler motor and a slingy rear wheel you don't need an offset front sprocket....but you may need to notch the frame ( especially if you're using string )
  16. ....and i'll do it again
  17. i notched the frame on my et, blandit/gsxr/turbo, slingy 5.5 rearwheel/sprocket carrier, spondon arm....and i use a length of alloy angle for chain run, string for my tomato plants
  18. Probably because i'd spend all my time disliking peoples grammar and spelling.
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