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Everything posted by vizman

  1. like having the 2nd watch stokers run a train on you
  2. what a bummer....slight set back. looking forward to seeing this turn its wheels in anger
  3. qu'ils mangent de la brioche
  4. i'll print that somewhere on the flyer
  5. i'll print you a load of flyers to hand out on your paper round
  6. donnigton was also epic as there was some fantastic expensive machinery being thrashed...pluss beer/bbq/shmoke/giggles
  7. watching the oss muscle wrestling around the track (and the pits/paddock) at cadwell was far far far more interesting than shuffling around an indoor bike park looking at show ponies, the effort put into that kinda' thing outshines oss attending every and any two-bit W.I. organised cake stand raffle bike show.....
  8. now then now then we have a letter here from little johnny from lancasheshetershire....it reads dear jim....
  9. you mean park up apply handbrake.....
  10. we could just ask jimmy Saville to fix it for you to meet wez.........
  11. ....well.... maybe we do, maybe we don't ..... but the admin are picking the ones that can tick the most boxes......
  12. ...as Danger Dave says, they take a bit (lot) of organising.
  13. ......but keep floating them ideas around
  14. that tl's gotta lotta on board bulk to slow down.......all hidden behind the double double double bubble screen
  15. ooh i see, found some new friends eh.....?
  16. ....oh and i haven't got a new phone i was just ignoring you.
  17. be great to have you there HEEEEEED, far too many of us hetro good looking funny types are already going, so a bit of balance....
  18. no crying when non suzuki pics get deleted
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