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Captain Chaos

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Everything posted by Captain Chaos

  1. also check the O-rings around the float valves.
  2. What Diode says. ^^^ Float valve is leaking, fix that first and it will probably run ok.
  3. and make sure the chain & sprockets are in good condition and adjusted correctly.
  4. Hello and welcome to OSS. Please take some time to introduce yourself in General Chat, and post some pics of your 750L. One fix is to do what I did, install an 1100 engine, so you don't need 10000 + rpm anymore.
  5. How did you measure the temperatures? Readings vary strongly between different quality temp gauges
  6. I don't say this very often but in this case I'd rather have the car (e31)
  7. I thought the trolls were in Ohio debating last night
  8. I have mounted 2922's on BST36, 38 and 40mm carbs without any issues. The ones on my B12 engine (36 carbs) were previously on the GSX-R750 (38 carbs), they still fit nicely.
  9. RU 2922 is the correct one for slingshot carbs. I've fitted many sets in the past, no problems. Maybe the ones your mate offered you were not new anymore and have been "pre-stretched" a bit?
  10. Very nice. What's the plan (since you post in the projects section)?
  11. Hi John, welcome on OSS. Please take a few minutes to introduce yourself and your ride in General Chat. And RTFR.
  12. This^^^ once i witnessed someone trying to stop the pistons with his fingers. The pistons won.
  13. Hello and welcome on OSS. @RickLeeplease post an introduction about you and your ride. Now you have a good example. @eskimo619remove the ignition lock and take it to a locksmith. He/she will make a key which will fit the tank and seat locks too if they're still original.
  14. Wasn't it the rear wheel spindle? Or are they the same thread anyway?
  15. Hello and welcome to OSS. Please introduce yourself in general chat, post some pics of your project, and of course RTFR.
  16. Get a service manual, you'll need it.
  17. if it's an S it should have an 18" rear wheel and not 17".
  18. 2/10ths of FA means 2/10ths of Fuck All. It's one of those British measuring units nobody else undetstands. Like a gnat's cock.
  19. Hello and welcome on OSS. Please take some time to RTFR and introduce yourself in the general discussions section.
  20. Hello and welcome to OSS. Please take some time to introduce yourself in the general discussions section, and post some pics of your bike. We like pics.
  21. The 7 means it's a 4 cil. 4 stroke. V denotes the capacity.
  22. change all 4 plugs, for new ones, and try again. Suzukis are known for eating spark plugs when starting on a not fully charged battery for example.
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