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Winged Hammer
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Everything posted by zedhead

  1. Looking forward to watching progress on this Kyle! Bodywork changes? New seat unit?...
  2. It was a cool (literally) do the last time I went, in 2015. It's a little more local to me now so I'll be going in January, camera in hand ;-) Although I'll not have a bike to take, as although I think mine will be finished, it's the wrong colour...
  3. I have been led to believe that all the Kool Kids will be there?
  4. You would have paid more than Woody did then... although the chap who owned it before Woody really wasn't going to sell, by all accounts it was only because it was Woody and only because he was coming up to a milestone birthday... ;-)
  5. zedhead

    Im back

    I foresee a lot of people using the ES as a potential project, especially once they see how good yours looks with newer 17" three spokers etc...
  6. Fuck. I wish I'd kept my Slabby... :-(
  7. A professional motorcycle electician told me that the mismatch between a standard ECU and the COPs would result in the COPs burning out after 'a certain amount of time', although that time period was not confirmed as being a matter of minutes, or years... Since then I've heard of lots of people who have simply replaced standard type coils with COP with, seemingly, no apparent issues. I'm certainly tempted with COPs to give a little more room above the rocker cover for stuff, and to increase air flow over the engine too...
  8. My next project will be Z750 frame with GSX-R turbo engine, with a short seat! Im going for the short and stubby look, much like in the pic you have above...
  9. Yep, a really cool day. This has to become an annual gathering, surely?...
  10. I'm getting excited about it and I'm not even riding, only taking electronic images.
  11. I'll be there (he says, not wanting to check the diary in case I'm already booked), and may be able to persuade Billybird to take her 1216 along for a spin on the rollers too. I may, or may not, be on a SUzuki... (the non-Suzi is actually more righteous...)
  12. It's going to be a fair trick piece of kit when it's all done is that!
  13. Is that an additional breather hole in the cam cover?
  14. I might've imagined this, but I think I heard stories of the helical gear on the clutch winding itself apart in high power applications... and the B12 clutch issues can be overcome, you can get lock-up conversions for them, and you'd probably want to do that on any clutch if you're going 1340...
  15. Tom - why you going wet nitrous? Surely simpler to go dry given that you have fuel injection?
  16. Cheers Rich, I'll have another go with a cobalt bit, and let you know the outcome (probably snapping the bit off in the shaft, or maybe snapping the tap off when I tap it after...)
  17. Bulldog weekend innit? Shame, bloody everything clashes with something else nowadays...
  18. I would've really liked to go to this, but I'm going to be in Scotland next weekend... The Anglesey do was ace.
  19. zedhead

    My Kat

    "I'm a little teapot..."
  20. I welded the castellated washer that normally bolts onto the shaft end onto a standard nut. It worked, for a bit, and then fell off... Have tried drilling the end of the shaft but as it's harder than a parson's stools I've never managed to succeed. So, at the moment, the 'Slimfast Bandit' has no speedo. SWMBO has said that she's bored of having no speedo, so it's a job to add to the list again...
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