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Swiss Toni

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Everything posted by Swiss Toni

  1. I should have added ... Leave for a few hours and drain the bowls. If really shitty, repeat or, run fresh gas through until clear.
  2. Allens Performance isn’t too bad, price wise for RS spares.
  3. If you can’t get them dipped in the ultrasonic tank, see if you can get hold of some Yamaha Carb Cleaner. Follow the instructions. Choke on. Hold throttle wfo, hit the starter for maybe 20 seconds, and it gets drawn into system. I tried all kinds of cleaners, and this is the only one that shifts all that gum, laquer ect. Get the black bottle/red label type. Yellow label, no good!
  4. Well, seeing as your #3 inlet rubber is foobarr’d, I’d take a good look at the other three as well!
  5. There you go! The old mind's still working then! (Well, maybe parts of it)!
  6. @Gixer1460 and @DezzaBoth very valid points! But ... as I was ‘going off on one’ I thought, (as Dezza pointed out), although this miscreant has fucked off, look at all the information his post has generated. It’s a fucking shitload! All useful to other members! So, whadya do? Maybe when registering as a new member, there could be a paragraph reminding potential members their first post must be an intro in ‘General’! Or not? That’s up to the powers that be! And, as 1460 says, ‘ Ignore a first poster question’. The information will still be there for the next person who asks the question. Food for thought? I rest my case!
  7. @xracerfranz No mate! The original poster/culprit was@Skipsatrip One post, and gone! Del had a rant about this years ago on the original site. Questions asked, problems solved with not as much as a 'Kiss me arse'! Straight in with both feet! Costs nowt to say 'Thank you'!
  8. I’m almost sure all the carbs are synced to the #3. It’s a long time since I’ve seen the manual, so I may well be wrong!
  9. The OP posted in Feb 2019. One post! Must’ve got all the answers he wanted, and fucked off, never to be seen again! Boils my piss! Is there not a way, where a new member only has access to the ‘General’ section for his first introductory post? Rant over!
  10. You might ... once you introduce yourself properly in the ‘General’ section!
  11. Just a small point, as you seem to be getting there ... when you’re balancing your carbs with the gauges, the #3 carb is usually the ‘datum’, ie, non-adjustable. Set the other 3’s vacuum to this one. Might be a different set-up on yours, but worth checking.
  12. Cut your stem to required length. Chamfer both ends. Cut your slug a good length. Make it a tighter fit in the lower part, than the upper. Heat lower stem and press in slug. Tight push fit upper part of stem. Fit lower bearing. Fit to frame with upper bearing, seals/covers/top yoke ect. Hold lower yoke in position, shore up with bit of timber if needed. Tap top of stem down to required length. Strip down and mark slug and top stem in case it gets knocked and moves. Check marks before welding. If slug is a good length and tight fit, weld shouldn’t pull it out of line. Don’t get it too hot to be on safe side. Dress the weld if you feel it will interfere with lower bearing removal. If it won’t, leave it alone! The spacer below the lower bearing may be a quick/easy fix but, in my opinion it looks crap!
  13. You should have no problem selling a few on, as long as you make them solid enough. There’ll always be buyers for seat bases. Branch out ... make the foam as well! ‘From little acorns ... ‘
  14. My seat was bad ... not as bad as yours though! It looked beyond saving but, I got the base welded, new foam & cover to OE specs. Looks brand new now! No such luxury of seat base moulds over here though, I’m afraid!
  15. It looks like a good starting point. Lots of ET/EX info to be had here. Welcome to the OSS!
  16. Take the sump & pick-up off. That’ll give you more room than the cam cover. Both would give more.
  17. @TonyGeeKeep us posted with any developments Tones!
  18. Is Finland an ‘un-tapped well’ of old skool Suzuki’s?
  19. Good find. What’s the plan?
  20. The amounts and levels are minuscule. I’d split the difference if it was me, and I wasn’t sure.
  21. @Pudzrx 1989 model uses 418cc of SAE 5 Level is 146mm. 1990 model uses 415cc of SAE 5. Level is 145mm.
  22. @ReinhoudPM @wraithI gave him a std. 1978 GS1000 rear wheel. He’ll confirm sizes for you!
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