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Tony Nitrous

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Everything posted by Tony Nitrous

  1. I've done a few. GSXR11's, H@yabusa etc that didnt require longer cables. Normally get away with rerouting them. Different side of the top tube, head stock, fork legs etc. Even with Renthal 789's my H@yabusa runs factory throttle cables, both switch gear looms and fast idle/choke cable. If this isn't possible (and you have a half decent bike shop near by) take the old cable(s) in and ask for the same plus an extra (what ever required) inches with the same ends. I've run some cables from odd bikes like GN's etc that were ideal. A smart and helpful stores guy makes this less of a drama. Never had a cable made yet.
  2. Im guessing this isnt stock. Home made rear sets? Anyone seen this done before...
  3. Thanks guys. Good info. Much appreciated.
  4. I know some of the Busa guys have run shorter GSXR750 / 600 arms. There is an issue with the linkage but they seem to get around it. 1" difference is very noticeable IMO.
  5. Thanks guys. Interesting thread and some good info. I wasn't expecting later front ends to have a compatible stem length with the older frame. Anyone know which other fit or I can find a list of stem lengths. Thanks.
  6. I always have an eye on cheap ones. They'd make make a great donor for a older ET, EX, B6 or even a teapot if you wanted to surprise folk.
  7. I'm guessing the "Read the f#cking rules" comment means its not considered Old Skool enough dispute it being an oilcooled lump and you wanting to retro fit it into a more forum suitable frame.
  8. A very late (too late) reply, but...... Just for future use, don't trust the 12V as being "all good" I've had Battery's that showed strong on a metre but were gutless. One example I was told ages a go was those little 9V battery's. Plug 2 together and get 18V on a multimeter. My car only needs 12V so they should frighten it into life... but they won't. Not being a smart arse, I learnt this the hard way with a bike battery. Edit: I like Bandits, big boys Meccano.
  9. Australia. I have the larger box tank on mine and know to a few others. I have seen two more on Egay-AU last year. Not cheap though. Small tank doesn't look right to me and isn't something I'd want.
  10. ... and another one in South Africa...
  11. Did see one for sale a month or two back. GSX11 with a GS1000 lump. Can't remember but might have been a Kat. Bit strange but I assumed someone had used what they had at hand. Mind you, I have seen a GSXR11/7 too!
  12. Are you still in touch with Steve ? He's out here in AU now, still has "MONSTER", brought it out with him. Nowhere near me but we have some mutual friends. He's building another bike.
  13. Yeah, he seems to know what he's doing....
  14. No, a mate (Lynton) here in Qld. He's a real Zed-Head but I don't hold it against him.
  15. Mates building a frame jig....
  16. I'd suggest you change the company you keep. Folk certainly don't "chug around" on late model 1000's in Australia around here! Heaps of 1100 / 1200 options. Enjoy the extra grunt and less stressed motor, turn up the pace and rev it like a 750 and get some real performance. If you want to rev the nuts off with less performance get a Jap home market 400.
  17. If your going to do it do it right. The one that thread into the filler hole are pretty poor, much too small an internal diameter. Been there, done that, next one will be a weld in, big bore vent.
  18. I just put an ET headlight and cowl on a "non-old skool" front end bike. The only issue was the cowl curved in at the back and needed a little trim. Not big deal. Could have modded the mounts if I'd been fussed.
  19. Front light,cowl and clocks are fork / yoke mounted so not relevant to what frame you have though ?
  20. Not a clue mate, but mines a 1980 AU registered 750ET for comparison... .. and No, I don't know by some numb nut moved my VIN plate !
  21. WOW!!! Not quite what I had in mind but WOW all the same!! I'm thinking cut the stock frame, press it out wide enough to take a GSX1400 swingarm, weld in dowl type spacers either side of the stock bottom rear mount. Re-bore swingarm pivot (add sleve if there's not enough material) to take a larger 1400 spindle. Im sure its not that simple but it would keep a factory look. 200 or 190 tyre , 6" rim, chunky chain, good clearance, stock looking frame is the goal.
  22. Not sure. Bandit motor nearly went into it. I've bid on a few donor bikes at the auctions and Egay. It'll be another project one day.
  23. http://oldskoolsuzuki.info/archives/218
  24. For me, only in stock form if you up the performance. I've had less issues with the "normal" system before its needed upgrading. it can be swapped out for a traditional one, or you can mod it, anything from heavy duty springs to a lock-up system. Some folk prefer the traditional style. I think the diaphragm style has less surface area on the plates ?
  25. I picked up a 1999 Bandit 12 a while back. A cheap runabout from Eb#y, out in the sticks just before Xmas, a crap ad, no one else bid ! Not used it much recently, so its most likely going to be a donor for the ET.
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