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Everything posted by vizman

  1. I'm no 'csi suzuki' investigator by any means, but they look like 2 pics of the same cases, but pedda has highlighted one of my 'state the fookin' obvious' which is said cases history.
  2. and at the risk of stating the obvious again questioning why a 40 year old second hand lump of mass produced cast pig alloy [forgive me o' lord of Hamamatsu] isn't up to the abuse of being taken past it's initial design seams to be answering your own question...along with possible incorrect torque settings......or miss-matched internals.....or damaged/out of spec internals. unless you know the full history of where all your second hand parts have been and what they've been up to, i'll keep stating the obvious, and in no way trying to be a smart arse. [although it may be read as such]
  3. on the plus side your team may have discovered the limits of 4 decade old Suzuki aircooled motors.....not much consolation, and I hope it's not the case [no pun intended] because I'd like nothing more than seeing a Suzuki based bike go on representing, and your team finding either the cause or even better a solution....one that you'd be willing to share. keep on pushing that 2nd class envelope
  4. sorry not necessarily you might have
  5. climb down off your high blackn'decker work bench, we're hardly going to solve this with string theory...
  6. have you tried switching it off and then back on again?
  7. I would say prolonged stress as the drag boys n' girls are doing short periods of stress.... ...and since the classic boys n' girls are the only people subjecting old cases to endurance racing they are the only ones who are gunna' find this problem.... ...most racers race new stuff and move onto newer stuff long before their stuff becomes old stuff..... .....no doubt in a few years time the air cooled boy's n' girls on this site will start discovering the same issues, and few more years after that the oilboiler owners..... or, you've just been unlucky and got some duff cast cases or, a mix of fatigue/incorrect settings/stress/heat/blah blah blah
  8. stress and old age, fooks with everything
  9. and I would've thought torque is the thing that could do this?
  10. mix in prolonged high temp or rapid cooling with old cast and something's gunna' pop.
  11. fatigue in old cast caused by power from the motor/frame stress, mixed up with the cases eventually passing their yield.
  12. ...and there's plenty of people running d/through systems
  13. it's cheaper to blow-through your own carbs than ditch them and buy an hsr/s&s and a carbon sealed unit.....
  14. i'll have one big john....if you have two....for shiney-shit
  15. it's been like this for ages.....no idea who built it....it looks better in the 'flesh' than in the pic....
  16. ‌@Swiss Toni there's a couple of pics of it in havocs 'autumn is ace' thread and also in the dudettes' project thread 'ol'red'.....it's wangin' it down here, if I drag her slabby out and get it wet i'll be made to clean it.....
  17. I could've made them a bit longer I guess, but they appear to be doing what I wanted them to.....old plastics...brittle....I also replaced the well nuts/rubber bungs in the ends of the stay by welding on a 10mm nut.
  18. as above, if you don't want to chop into your loom to take a power source to feed the lights via relays, you could always fit a fused link to feed the twin lamps. I would just bin the relays and feed the twin lamps direct from the single lamp power source.
  19. not to worry JD, mr foggy got one of them black n' decker work mates
  20. done that trick a few times....after realising that 10 penny washers is a bodge as opposed to a fix....that I didn't have the material to make some adaptors....but I did have lots of old discs.....no lathe, so bolted them to a paint tin lid and attached to a drill....hit it with the grinder and flappy pad.
  21. the only other person I've heard use that phrase was one of my northern blue faced brothers.....
  22. I'm not 100% sure but I thought crankcases were machined/cast in pairs....so I would've thought not.
  23. so I thought the dude [irish] was suggesting putting the water boiler 11 motor [not a srad/k] into the 750 water boiler frame as you need to modify the frame to fit an oilbioler motor in, due to the issues matallicaman highlighted.
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