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Everything posted by vizman

  1. give your air filter a clean too...or replace it...
  2. vizman

    New member

    I think they just look big [in that picture] because they are close together dude.....
  3. but I'd say that's hard evidence for you to get the engine for around £30 tops @downtheshed
  4. [don't know why I quoted DTS]
  5. it's mono shocked....looks like a harris/dresda style swingarm.... .....not mine bubba, it's the dudettes....
  6. ...I think that'll be the dudettes decision.
  7. this one....not sure what way the pimp stick is gunna' hit it yet..
  8. ...my old drawthrough was totally different....2 tanks of petrol to get to work and back and you could mulla' the rear tyre in a day....most fun
  9. I recon I was doing around 2500-3000 miles a month on the et...... ......you could easily wear out a rear tyre on a boosted bike a lot sooner......you could probably make one last a bit longer too.
  10. yeah, try all the easy cheap fixes first, it's usually something simple [or it's just I'm simple] if you've been using the bike regularly I doubt it'd be anything real bad....
  11. carb blance, check all the rubber boots and clamps are done up, also check your throttle cable routing.......
  12. you could probably make them last a lot longer....but boooooost is sooooooo addictive you just gotta' squeeze in one last fix before destination.
  13. I used this as my winter hack last year, 130 miles a day......some 'dicking about'....one rear tyre a month.
  14. my dad used to take me.....as long as I promised to keep my hands in my pockets and not set fire to anything,
  15. ...I say 'i' ....but what I actually mean is 'we'....well, the dudette did, I'm not allowed money.
  16. ...if it's any help I paid £100 for a 750et engine complete with carbs/cdi/exhaust last year and paid £150 for a complete q plate gs1000 with an et1100 motor in it [it was tatty]
  17. a combination of the lowest price the seller is willing to take mixed with how much you want to spend.....
  18. you wouldn't want to wake up with a dot head in the bottom of your bed..... ....glad to see you've stuck around Loud.
  19. sorry, that should read 'I'm glad you stuck around, but feel free to leave' in response to your 'i was pretty close to abandoning this forum given the initial droll' same sentiment but possibly more polite....? I'm not sure, just trying to bump up my post count to make myself feel special.....
  20. that's an rc 30....we'll have no more talk about it.
  21. glad you stuck around, but feel free to fuck off
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