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Winged Hammer
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Everything posted by fatblokeonbandit

  1. well im 63 and Brian is 42 so 105 years in total. so I think that counts as Antique not Vintage,,
  2. Yes my Mag 2 was the same, I built it so it looked, in my opinion, right. BUT the seat was too low and pegs too high, i could only manage about 20 minute It was one of the reasons I sold it.. I haven't been able to use clip-ons for donkeys years, even when I raced my TL1000, 20 years ago, I had to put high bars on it, which also made it much more fun Gratuitous TL pictures as its a quiet bank holiday I must apologise for the leathers , they were very cheap
  3. Good luck i was on the reserve list and only space that turned up,is in the vintage class
  4. Which group are you in shipmate
  5. Oi, you calling me fat!!!!!!!!!! But yes its a pain for us normal sized chaps, my legs are too long and my arse tooo large. these special framed things are all built for children sized people, my magnum was the same You coming to Coombe this year Fletch??
  6. So Brian is ready for his first outing since September last year, Castle Coombe again, Classic bike track day, I'm in the VMCC group don't know if that's the bike or me!!!!! Anyway, stopped all the electricity escaping buy fitting new earth connector and all it well, apart from my hips, its so uncomfortable for my dodgy hip bone, only did 5 miles and it was agony had a look at raising the seat or lowering the Starboard side foot peg, but I don't think I can, and keep it looking half decent.!! Im just a bit worried that i wont be able to ride the Bleedin' thing due to my hip! Getting old is shite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Its ages since i did a B6/12 conversion, and cant remember if i used the B6 CDI as it came with the loom or the 1200 didn't physically fit, I just fitted the lot and it all plugged together.. Best buy a 600 loom with CDI attached, or just get the 600 loom and try the 1200 cdi, if the plugs fit it will work
  8. You can use a B600 loom and cdi, it all plugs together, the only difference is the red line, it’s higher on the 600….
  9. Would have been better off with a canoe than a motorbike,,!!! once the rain soaked through to my pants I gave up and went home, oh well can’t do anything about the weather……. Bandit went well as we all tip toed round, now I need to get Brian sorted for the 15 as I’m doing classic bike one at Combe….. found a dodgey earth plug which is where the leccy is escaping
  10. So spent today getting Brian running, started off on 3 so cleaned carbs and nicked plugs from teapot.. Better fitted my universal number plate and put my hat on pulled away and it stopped dead no electricity, arse!!!!! fuse blown , spent the next 2 hours not finding the short or wheee the electricity is leaking out of the wire !!!! as the track day is Wednesday I gave up and dragged the bandit out, found the battery in the airing cupboard! and fired it, as usual It works just fine, so bandit it is then
  11. Found one looks a bit used but will do a turn
  12. Yup B6 one, I’ll look in the morning
  13. ill have to look tomorrow shipmate
  14. so you need a 26 tooth gear i reckon!!
  15. let me find the sizes out, and ill dig one out.. in fact there's a thread on here somewhere all about gear sizes??
  16. b6 gear is different size to b12 i cant remember the number of teeth but ive got it written down somewhere, just swop the alternator gear over. in have several in my big box
  17. So due to unforseen circumstances, of the 3 bikes I have to use on track days, only Brian has a chance of being ready for next week at castle Coombe.. I was going to use the Teapot but shit happens .. this will be a bit of a test for Brian as last year my starboard Hip was really hurting after about 8 laps of Angelsey, so we will see if its got worse, the teapot and bandit are much more comfy, so i might have to accept that as time passes i cant ride small bikes with high foot pegs. Bigger probelm is getting back into my romper suit..
  18. Just to fit a 1216 piston kit and up rated cams you don't need a degreeing wheel, which is what i think you are referring to. only if you are fitting adjustable cam wheels
  19. In my opinion the bandit handles better, or mine dose, the teapot is longer and a bit wobblyer when pushed hard, it gets in a bit of a state when changing direction really quick. BUT it issoooooo much fun, in fact I’ve got mine sorted agin for use this year, test day at t castle Combe 5th next month,,
  20. I’ve got head coolers and cam links on all mine, head coolers are useful
  21. because they look shiny gratuitous picture of shiny things....
  22. I’ve always swapped the switches, easy peasy..
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