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Are Speedo's repairable

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Hi there, I've just bought myself a GS750, been after one for years, but the the speedo packed up literally about 2 days in. I've replaced the cable and the drive, but the speedo seems to have given up the ghost annoyingly. Has anyone ever tried to open one up and fix one? 

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I took mine apart as the needle had curled up at the end allowing it to go past the stop pin. I put a jubilee clip round the bezel then put it upside down in some polystyrene insulation, just work your way round the edge with a small screwdriver lifting the edge a bit at a time. You might find it just needs a clean and some light oil , refitting the bezel just work your way round slowly I used a bit of wooden dowel to press it flat. That's where the insulation comes in handy as it holds it in place while your pressing down. Have a go you've nothing to lose if it's not working 

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That's good to hear, I agree as it's not working anyway, I may as well. It's just an annoyance, as if you go back 10 years, then speedo didn't matter, but what with all these new speed cameras absolutely everywhere, you just lose your licence really quick now. Thanks for your feedback.

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Wow, for starters, I'm really amazed at all the response I've got, what a great forum, I'm going to enjoy my time here I hope. This all looks super promising, I'm going to give a repair a try first, as what I really want (other than a clean license) is a trip meter, as that's how I've always gauged my petrol consumption. Thanks guys

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Hmm, I can't get the speedo out of the cluster, those little crossheads have rounded, What do those screws go into is is just plastic, or is there a bit of metal in the cowling that's got it seized?

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I'm at an absolute loss, I just replaced the whole instrument cluster with a known working one, I've replaced the cable and the speedo drive and still it does not work. What can I have done wrong that would stop the speedo cable from turning?

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first I did the cable, that didn't work, so I replaced the drive and that kind of worked, but the needle was sporadic, so I assumed that the speedo was done, so replaced that too now, but as I mentioned nothing is working, will try the drill idea and go from there. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I solved my speedo problem too, well sort of lol, everything works absolutely fine, the problem, and i did not see this coming, was that the bearings in the front wheel had both picked up and spun so were slopping about. Now, the speedo works going round right hand bends and doesn't going round left hand bends. Got front wheel bearings to do and I need to do swing arm bearings also, so will do the back wheel while I'm on it. Hopefully that is the last couple of bits to get this back on the road as a nice runner. Thanks very much for all your suggestions and expertise, i will alway post the solution particularly if it's a little unexpected like this one was. 

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