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Everything posted by TonyGee

  1. explained in other thread
  2. bit of a long story Dezza, but basically i have a 750 zuma frame and did have a 1200 motor (went in another bike) i have a good set of 600 carbs/rubbers and zuma airbox that i was gona use. the problem was the tank i modified to fit the frame would of fowled on the top of a set of 1200 carbs. if i raised the tank it looked shit and didn't sit right with the seat unit. ive never ridden a gsx1200 or the GS1200 ss but what ive read is they are still very grunty low down and in the mid range but lack top end. im not bothered about doing a 140 mph
  3. looks like the gsx1200 rubbers are still available from Suzuki but £31.39 each !!!!!!
  4. i was talking 32mm bandit CV carbs, yeah that was another thought about 5mm spacers between the head and rubbers. their are some bikes that have them.
  5. after all this time ive just had it confirmed (on another thread) that 1200 zuma rubbers are longer than 600 bandit and gsx 750 zuma rubbers to fit 32mm carbs. mystery solved.
  6. you've just cleared up something that has been bugging me for a while, i had an idea that the 1200 zuma rubbers where longer but couldn't find anybody who had some to measure. now i know, cheers for that Losiu
  7. ha ha, that good eh. you could use the 750 oil pump
  8. their really hard to find, or buy new !!!!
  9. the 750 zuma uses 600 bandit rubbers as the cylinder head is the same physical size, the part number for the 1200 zuma rubbers are just for the 1200 zuma !!!! but i never got hold of a set to measure.
  10. yeah thats what im after, not arsed about doing 150 plus mph i just like shit loads of torque but as you say getting a good gsx1100 engine is gona be hard.
  11. yeah they will fit with the right rubbers, you will be down on power though compared to using say 36mm or 38mm carbs. the 1200 inazuma and 1200 ss use 32mm carbs and they claim around 100 bhp !!!! but lack top end. but be aware i tried a set of 32mm bandit carbs on a 1200 and they fit no problem but the middle balance adjuster fowls on the outside of the cam chain tunnel and the throttle wont open fully.
  12. yeah theirs a bit of work transplanting an engine from one bike to another, i put a bandit engine in an old Z1000 frame.
  13. ive just counted them in the pic, 28T
  14. yeah i hear what you say wraith its all about the cost, i keep looking for an 1100 motor but they just don't come up !! back in the mid 80's i built a hardtail chop and put in a big bore 1100 (1260) motor. as you can imagine it was a lot of engine for a chop but a guy i know who drag raced heard about my bike and he come round and offered me £800 for the engine !!!! a lot of dosh back then. yeah i did sell him it and i bought a really clean Z1000 engine for £400
  15. you might be able to clear up a mystery for me here ? i was messing about with an inazuma frame/project, i was gona use a b12 engine but i only had a set of b600 carbs i was gona use till i got a set of b12 carbs. the 32mm b6 carbs and rubbers went on no problem ( i know the 1200 zuma uses 32mm carbs as does the 1200ss ) but when i opened the throttle it moved just a few mm ? the middle balance adjuster touches the cam chain tunnel on the head. when i looked up zuma carbs they where the same !! i checked the zuma rubbers part number and they where just for that model, so my guess is are the rubbers longer than the 600 so the adjuster will clear ? i couldn't get hold of a set to measure to confirm !!!!
  16. yeah its off the end of the alternator, cant tell you what year though. i think it depends on how many teeth , 28 on a gsxr
  17. looking through some of the posts and projects i see some who change the gsx1100 motors for the oil boilers, i can understand with a 750 but the 11's are quit tuneable. i know the gsx is a very heavy engine but what other reasons do they get changed ?
  18. yeah you can still get them off suzuki but at £36.60 each its daylight robbery !!!! and i need 2.
  19. does anyone know if their is any gsx 750 et side panel badges available anywhere ? i can get the stickers but i would like the badges better.
  20. 600 bandit forks are very soft, upgrading the springs and oil will make them better.
  21. TonyGee

    Exhaust bolts

    i use stainless allen bolts on the bandit with copper grease, i try to take them out once a year for a clean up and regrease
  22. hi guys, does anyone know the length of the standard swingarm spindle on a 1980 GSX750ET ? i want to use the OEM rear footrest hangers but the spindle on it is to short, it needs to be about 20mm longer. cheers. looks like the P.O. has changed it at some point.
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