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Posts posted by wraith

  1. I've got a Dyna S on my GS1000G (2v) and a Dyna 2000 in my Kat that has a gsx1100f motor (oil cooled)

    Dyna S,

    Had this on my gs for years and very happy with it, don't know if it gives you anymore power that would be a big argument with some on here xD but it wires up by going from the ATU straight up to The coils, so no cdi. As such you get a better spark and better response, again a big argument with some :D but I like them.

    The Dyna 2000,  

    These do have a cdi type thing but it has the function to set your own rev limit and your own advance/retard by a switch so you can set it as you go, as to speek. Again where it gives you more bhp I can't say but the by me says a better spark etc.

    Again I'm very happy with my Dyna 2000.

    There are different types of these from other makers which other people like but Dyna have been around for quite a long time.

  2. I don't think a gsxr or teapot would work, but they all run on the same idea xD

    If the one you are using works ok why change it?

    If you want more power out of your timing/pickups look at putting a Dyna S on it (y)

  3. Send me a pic of the type of reservoir take off and size and of mounting holes centres as I've got some Suzuki one's in a box I can look at for you.

    I do know some of the latter gsxr 600/750/1000 have different mounting hole centres.

  4. Welcome to OSS (y)

    If you have found the stock length chart, can you measure you shock to compare?

    I've never heard of a common fault with cam cover oil leaks but you do find the rubbers under the 8 large caps that hold the can cover down sometimes get worn so look at replacing them if you haven't.

    There will be someone who knows more about these engines than me coming along.

    I suppose being from the USA we should give you one miss type calling a power screen a Kat xD but only the once ;)

    PS stick around, we will have you putting gsxr running gear on it with a big bore and a turbo xD as you need a rear shock and engine work you may as well :D


    Some on here has just done a very nice job in the running gear part.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, clivegto said:

    Think they are completely different but I might be rong. 

    I would think they are but always worth asking, as the 1250 ones seem to go much cheaper.

  6. I know on my gsx1100f motor the sump has been leaking each time I stopped the bike or even when it's just been stud in the garage over the winter there been a small amount of oil under the rear l/h side. I've put a new gasket on it but with no change, so I've now got another sump and I'm going to put that on to see if it helps.

    So, no your not the only one.

    • Like 1
  7. Welcome to OSS.

    Not done it myself but I've seen blandits with Busa front end, the most you will need to do is change the stems. Of course as with all front end swaps you will need to sort some lock stops.

    I think the main thing I'd look at is ground clearance, if I remember the gsx1100g has quite long forks?

    Last year, I think someone on here was/had done what your thinking ie better running gear and a turbo. Have a very good look through the project section you may just find your answer (y)

  8. Of course the G was the shaft model and the L was the custom as to the E and S models I thought the E went from the slide carb wright up to and including the CV carb models ?

    And the S was the bigger slide carb model of the E slide carb and the S had the love it or hate it fairing xD

    I maybe way out on the E/S models ;)

    • Like 2
  9. I heard that the rockers from all the oil cooled motors will interchange.

    Best way is to have a look at the Alpher sports sits and compare the part numbers on there.

    I'd then look out for a cheep head and use the bits out of that then if your head is a good head ever keep it as a good spare or sell it on and get some of your money back ;)

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