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Everything posted by vizman

  1. by continuing to do what you are doing, thrashing an oss and taking time to post it on here..... ....oh and by pm'n your address
  2. aint dat the truth... ....getting it up to nigh on 200mph is pretty friggin' awesome.... but to then hoik it up on one hoop, man you're one kool kid...kid. what impresses me even more is the fact that you just can't practice 190mph+ wheelies in your lunch hour or after you've done your homework... only at few designated events. keep the bike oss and keep the laptop for porn kid......i'll hold your brolly at the next one and keep your skittles @brt (ballroomtemp)
  3. ....oss did get an honorary rendition of 'the stripper'
  4. always said that kat was too much bike for you.....
  5. vizman

    1200 Bandit

    ...anywhoo back at the ranch..... do you have plans to donate the blandit for oss usage?
  6. ....and he didn't let it fully rip
  7. ...his arse'll be hotter than that stud
  8. wait until the kids mother finds out he was riding around without his shoe laces tied up, wearing shades funded by emergency phone money, smoking and cussing....
  9. i've no idea, ask your mot bod.... .....if your mot bod is head honcho for robot wars or isambard brunel i'm sure it'll be fine
  10. ....excuse the heeeed, he's never ridden a boosted Hamamatsu hammer... tls awesome power delivery once you change the sprockets....could only get around 90 miles out of a tank
  11. ....I was too bizzy doing what I was supposed to be doing to do what I was supposed to be doing.....
  12. ....2 big penny washers....job done
  13. have you tried tightening up the rear wheel spindle/nut?
  14. looking good loopie......'6'
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