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gsx750f digital speedo

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Hi all, doing a naked 2000 gsx750f. i'm looking at digital speedos as oringonal cluster is abit ugly & not easy to mount. Now if i got  one like in the pic would be accurate if wired up to origonal cluster wires  off the speedo sensor ? I cant see why not as they use wheel sensor normally



I've only used Koso on my bikes, indeed the original speedo sensor can be used, it works the szme way. You need adjust the reading via the settings menu anyway, that makes these universal speedos useable for all bikes

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I got one of these cheep Chinese ones, wired it up and got it all working, wiring diagram that came with it was a pain as it had different colours of wires than was fitted to the clocks O.o but found another wiring diagram that worked with the clock wires. Ended up getting rid because the clock on it or my wiring xD made the battery on the bike drain within days (probably bad earth somewhere) but I've heard other people using the same clocks and good results.

You can adjust the Speedo reading to what you need, so should work with the standard Speedo pick you will just need to program it into the clocks which is easy.

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The digital guages I have used have clearly worked by counting the rate of pulses received from the sensor per km. When setting up you either have to input into the unti the circumferance of the tyre on the wheel where the sensor is mounted (in m) and the number of pulses per wheel roation, or calculate the pulses per km and input that directly into the unit. So if the sensor is on the front sprocket, you can calculate the pulses per km from the rear tyre circumference, the number of pulses per rotation of the output shaft and the final drive ratio :).

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