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Posts posted by TonyGee

  1. 1 hour ago, JeanPaulDildaud said:

    Did you use stock sprocket carrier or one from the new wheel?

    I am starting my adventure next week.

    it wasn't a 600 bandit carrier i used it was one off a gsx600f,  they have a lower sprocket surface but still need machining down, if I remember right it was about 10mm ???   

  2. 1 hour ago, Devilman said:

    Yep, this bike had quite a list of terrible engineering decisions, fortunately I chose to rip into it before riding it :)

    They had fitted a Banana arm but their choice for "bearing" after chopping down the pivot width, was to wrap a valve spring in alu tape and shove it into the swinger O.o

    people who sell bikes in such a dangerous condition should be hanged, drawn and quartered o.O 

  3. 14 minutes ago, fatblokeonbandit said:

    And 70:quid for that part,, Fek  my old boots…..:o

    yep, they are taking the piss their o.O  but cheaper ones come up from time to time.   welding in a new piece is probably the way to go. :tu 

  4. 5 minutes ago, baldrick said:

    im half way through stripping 5 gsxr tanks, kinda losing the will to live. ive prepped 2 slabby ones, a 11 and 750, properly, underneath too......

    one of the others has been primed with some green coloured primer/filler which the normally lethal paint stripper is struggling to get through, ive christened it......."that c*nting tank"  wish i had a shot blaster....


    your a better man than me, I just don't have the patience ;) 

    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, baldrick said:

    oh lots of paint stripper, many hours sanding, filling , prep, etch primer, adhesion promotor for plastics, then primer,   silver, marbeliser, black, white and many coats of candy red paint, with a few rolls of fineline thrown in for good measure. and 4 or 5 coats of clear and lots of blocking.

    but it was worth it, i treated her to new tank badges too, because...........because shes worth it. 

    i even did a small tank in the same scheme, no idea why, other than, because it was there

    feck me thats a lot of prep !!!!!!!!!  the bit I dont like about painting O.o  probably because im crap at it  :/  

    Ive been putting off doing the tank on my GS !!! but I might have another tank lined up ??????   

  6. 1 minute ago, baldrick said:

    see another dissatisfied customer on fb demanding a refund following many false   promises/ non existent delivery dates.

    He blocked the guy, after relieving him of 7 grand, worraknob.

    not the right way to run a business :( 

    • Like 1
  7. 38 minutes ago, TLRS said:

    It's unlikely for a TLR frame to develop issues. Headstock nor rotary damper mount. Though the S frames, especially the older casting.. you're totally right!

    I did 2 under warranty where the frame cracked at the rotary mount,  Suzuki never wanted any warranty stuff back except the frame headstock !!!!!!   I had to cut the headstock off both frames, bloody shame as the tiny crack in the mounts could of easily be welded and re-enforced :/  

  8. 1 minute ago, Daven75 said:

    Yea, I figured the plugs looks decent, MAYBE a little hot? But not enough to worry. I do not have a tester, I may snag one from the local parts store and check. But I feel like the carbs could use a good going through anyway lol

    yeah they might be due a service :tu

  9. 25 minutes ago, neilw said:

    Easiest way is a 600 bandit rear wheel, gs500 twin sprocket carrier, 530 chain conversion and a gsx750f (teapot) rear caliper.


    Running all makes of 150/70 rear tyre you will have no issues , some manufacturers 160/60 will also fit

    if he's using the OEM swinger then  GS 500 calliper and hanger are used as the torque arm is on top not underneath :tu

  10. 55 minutes ago, Dezza said:

    The chain spacing lock washer problem is unlikely to be a problem if the 1100ES OEM front sprocket is the same or similar to the 1100 EFE item, which is much thicker than 3/8 of an inch where it meets the splines due to the in-built damper thingy. Sticking on a new 530 'normal' sprocket, although it will still be 3/8 width, would likely free-up some space on the splined shaft to enable outboard spacing and normal fitting of the splined tab washer :)

    yeah I should of said, I did a 530 conversion. with the sprocket on the shaft the splines no longer protrude past the edge of the sprocket but just slightly under. still plenty of splines driving the sprocket. this give me enough room to clear the tyre.  yeah I do everything on the cheap :$ 

    • Like 1
  11. Ive got a 4.5inch bandit 600 wheel in my GSX750, to get the chain to run equally between the frame and the edge of the 150 rear tyre I used a thickish washer behind the front sprocket to offset it, the problem their is you cant use the lock washer as the sprocket sits at the end of the splines. but the sprocket i used has 2 drilled and tapped holes in it so i made a plate to sit up against the sprocket nut to stop it from coming loose.  then i had to get the rear sprocket carrier machined down so the sprocket was closer to the tyre.  the chain is in line and I have loads of room from the frame and tyre. 

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