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Posts posted by TonyGee

  1. 4 hours ago, Baz1954 said:

    Oh dear, Just mounted as you directed and hey presto! neutral light came on. Also gave myself an uppercut. I had thought about this way but didn't think it correct as a large part of the contact is exposed.

    Anyway thanks for the responses. I can progress now.

    I'm putting her back to original and will post pick when finished. Taking a long time, for example I sourced an original exhaust out of Houston Texas and it needs to be re-chromed.

    we all have a brain fart moment sometimes ;)

  2. one thing I noticed is, Suzuki use their own voltmeters but who owns one ?  ive used the Suzuki one and used a none Suzuki one and get different readings !!  I was told by a Suzuki tech to use the Suzuki one in the workshop.       just a thought. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Rod said:

    Good evening Gents ,

    I went to start my 1982 Gsx1100e I haven’t used it for a couple of months. So I switched it to prime, when it started I turned it to the on position, but fuel was pouring out of all four carbs, and only stopped when I turned the ignition off. I was thinking fuel tap problem, unlikely all four floats are stuck, what do you think.

    regards Rod.

    if its coming out of the overflows on all 4 then it might be worth tapping the carb bodys with with a rubber mallet to free the float needles 

  4. 25 minutes ago, Gixer1460 said:

    Seems to imply you have a fuel pump! And if so either the pressure is too high or all 4 float jets are compromised!

    I think he means the prime position on the tap. 

  5. 1 hour ago, DAZ said:

    I would say you tube is your friend try delboys garage for basic service type how to video, most of the stuff is fairly normal maintenance stuff, oil change, brakes, chain adjustment Etc, good step by step instructions and advice ,for more specific advice about your bike then ask here ,good luck (y)

    WHAT !!! Delboy O.o  yeah he tells you to take the radiator cap off a hot engine and then burns himself :o

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  6. knowing how to work on a bike takes time and experience, your best to start with the basics like servicing and minor adjustments.  do you know someone who knows bikes and who can show you stuff ? 

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  7. 6 hours ago, Reinhoud said:

    I have to be creative with the frame.

    I already have a plan


    I was busy aligning the chain, and I noticed it has to come out a bit, almost at the end of the shaft

    this is what happens when you get greedy with your 6inches :$ I'm happy with my 5.5inches 9_9 :D 

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