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  1. Past hour
  2. could you squeeze in and machine a very slight nozzle relief and at a steep enough angle to keep the injector under the cap to mimic the other brands one, so as to keep the butterfly in its original place. happy pioneering.
  3. Regarding the butterflies, if the injector is sited as far towards the head side as you can then you can drill through the blind holes behind and fit the shaft and butterflies before the injector. Green arrow is the injector angle/placement, blue is the blind hole.
  4. You can use a lot of bodies to do it I guess. I'd say the main restriction on choice would be that the only reason to do it would be to make it look original. So other than CV's on a GS/GSX then I'd think a set of flat slide bodies on a race bike would look cool.
  5. Today
  6. Interesting sruff thanks for that. I will buy bits and pieces and make the rest myself as I go unless a cheap secondhand kit comes up for sale.
  7. maybe x2 sets of these could be used https://www.Eblag.com.au/itm/194909630696?chn=ps&_ul=AU&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1fznKY2ewQYWaye5gkjNA1Q17&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-139619-5960-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=194909630696&targetid=1740279243289&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9071873&poi=&campaignid=21179453461&mkgroupid=161621319315&rlsatarget=pla-1740279243289&abcId=9404047&merchantid=114858920&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIy_j--dq0hgMVQ6pmAh1drQ00EAQYASABEgJYt_D_BwE
  8. Great Project - i'll bei watching this !
  9. My sister is running at 100%. Everything is healed, no rejection. Full Heart and Lung transplant. She looks wonderful. The most extreme upgrade!! May the donor and the family of the donor be blessed. The Heart and Lungs are 20 years younger than my sisters were. Still working on my bikes, just had to slow up due to the freezing Winter. I have all the parts for a 16" to 17" wheel conversion for my 1983 GS750ES, however, I just picked up a very nice 16" tire, so I will wear that down first.
  10. I did this once and just drained the gas/oil out, then filled it with new oil. I never bothered flushing it out..... The bike ran fine. It has 40K on it, does not smoke, and runs like a bear. I saw the engine temperature commuting to work, then realized I forgot to turn the "PRI" offf. I pulled over to a gas station, and the guy let me change the oil right there. I didn't have time to do any flushing, but I will say that the bike ran really well. I think that gas may have cleaned out some galleys in that engine, wouldn't do it on purpose. In any event, don't think that the flushing is really necessary if it is allowed to drain every drop out. I could be horribly wrong, and your bike may blow up with you on top of it, or you may just have cleaned out the inside of the cases.
  11. Nice find, fer sure! Not many of these in the U.S., stock, it would bring a lot of bucks
  12. Maybe I’ll go get fresh gas in the morning as well, not sure how old the stuff in the bike or the stuff in my gas can are right now.
  13. Stopped wasting my time with the petcock for now. Carbs have the new emulsion tubes in them, needles on the 2nd notch from the top, AFR 2.5 turns out, and it won’t do anything other than idle. I’d tried running the fuel lines under the filters this time, thought that might be the issue, and rerouted them vertical again, same thing. If the bike sits, it starts and idles fine, but try and rev it and it dies like it’s out of gas as soon as you hit 4K. When I pulled the carbs off originally, the mixture screws were anywhere from 3.5 to 4.5 turns out, I tried adjusting them back to 4 turns out and same thing, just runs richer now before it dies. Gonna let it sit over night while I think about what to try next. I guess I should pull the carbs again and double check the float heights. Just feels like it’s barely getting enough fuel to idle and anything more than that and it dies, and needs to sit for a few minutes before it’ll start again. All new fuel line, but who knows, maybe some dirt got knocked loose and clogged stuff up.
  14. Yesterday
  15. although the mudguard i think needs a bit of shaping
  16. well you need to see the racing line at night
  17. Duckndive

    my zuma 7/12

    Zuma headstock is same as Blandit ... so yes stem and lockstops
  18. South Africa's motorcycle market is terrible we have little variety and price brackets there is either a choice of a second hand motorcycle for exorbitant amounts which are scrap worthy or a commuter which cost the price of a decent second hand litre bike and 600cc bikes are so unrealistically expensive people end up buying big bikes with little to no riding experience Or you go looking for a brand new mid to top of the range bike which barely anyone has the money for most people end up paying off on a loan to afford
  19. I’ve been watching, reading, researching for quite a while. There’s a whole heap of options, but I’m currently getting drawn back to the RCC kits. They have a LOT of happy customers and Richard really seems to back up his product. Being out the back of beyond I don’t have the option of places like BigCC and FastByMe within driving distance. Gen-1. https://rccturbos.com/products/current-turbo-kits/suzuki-hayabusa-1999-2007 Gen-2. https://rccturbos.com/products/current-turbo-kits/suzuki-hayabusa-2008-2020
  20. feck !!! I can hardly hang on to a standard bandit these days
  21. sgm

    my zuma 7/12

    I didn't do the 750, was like that when I bought it. On the 1200 I just got lucky when I bought the THUG yokes as the stem fitted perfectly up the headstock, just had to do the stops myself.
  22. wraith


    Sooooooo true
  23. well i think you have all lost your marbles fitting a turbo to a busa
  24. I was just about to say the same. Removal of the oil cooler is quite common, it’s the normal thing when fitting a turbo. I know a few bikes locally without one, they run through Aussie summers, run at the drags etc without a drama. A local lad here did a 60+ mile ride to the strip, ran a high 8, rode home.. turbo Busa’s without the oil cooler. I was a bit suspicious of how safe it was but the guys I know don’t have dramas.
  25. Ordered a oil cooler for it then did a bit of reading (should have done the reading first). The turbo boys n girls don't even run an oil cooler it can be blanked off and a restrictor removed from behind the oil filter, happy dayz . But for now I will rig it all up standard.
  26. yep where the dealer mode switch plugs into
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