The faculty of judgement.
Come on, tell me you don’t like that front end combination of chunky loominum hooped spokes, 6 pot Pretechs gripping early Suzuki discs iced (white) with a perfectly proportioned mudguard, and a period ‘cherry on top’ fork brace? Well I do.
I like the big negative space (once obscured by the side panels) that now accentuates that positive 8 valve flatty draining 1085 cubic centimetre’s of OSS.
I like the slightly stubbed rear opposing that monstrous ‘Mr Whippy’, the balance of yellow and the gradient of the white flash. I even like the rear reflectors!
Some parts I dismissed because I hadn’t taken into account the brief, an AMA inspired gs1000. so with that in mind I made a call and a sensible conclusion. Congratulations RUSSP your GS1000 special is BOTM.
P.S That rear sprocket will never win me over.
Read the build thread here