OK, I have to admit that I’m biased. Biased towards slabbies and 2-strokes that is. Particularly towards 2-stroke Suzukis that I used to own and wish I’d kept, like the RGV250 VJ21. So, seeing as it’s just been finished (are they ever really though?) and been on the OSS stand at Newark and looks fantastic, my (biased however wholly deserved) choice for this month’s BOTM is Simbec1863’s lovely RGV250.
Purchased in reasonable-looking condition however with some significant shortcomings, Simbec1863 didn’t muck about and got stuck in. His plan was to fully strip it then clean, refurbish or replace parts on a tight budget. The end result is stunning so I think we can safely say he achieved his goal and then some.
Got to love a pile of genuine Suzuki parts in their baggies…
Suspension was stripped and in need of some love…
Engine was removed and given some special attention before being refitted…
Stir in some trick bits along the way…
So many parts got refreshed, repainted or replaced…
Loving those pipes and how clean everything looks…
And last but not least the essential OSS sticker 🙂
Gorgeous end result, so clean and understated with original Suzuki parts like the mirrors, indicators and mudguard still being in place. Yet with plenty of details when you look closer that reflect how much it has been sorted and improved upon.
So, Simbec1863 congratulations! Your RGV250 is this months BOTM.
Read the project thread here.
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