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  1. E T

    1075 over bore.

    I have a set of low comp pistons if yer interested
  2. Does anyone know of any major differences between the s & r motors ? A friend needs a motor for her TL1000s, i've been offered R motor. Will the throttle bodies etc fit. Am i right in thinking its cams and ecu that are main differences?
  3. Take clutch cover off and lock clutch and crank gears with a 2p coin , can also be done on starter clutch gear but could break the boss around idler gear
  4. I was talking to guy that drag races air cooled suzukis and asked him about buttons for pressure plate ( i was gathering lock up parts for my et ) he uses counter sunk stainless screws, just drill and tap plate and locktight them in, he said he had never had a problem and if they wear are eaily replaced.
  5. @Swiss ToniI'm heading over to states on Saturday for a couple of weeks, if you can get them over there I can give you address to send them to and i'll send them on to you when I get home.
  6. E T

    1127 ignition issue

    @clivegto It's the coil getting warm that makes me think its an ignition problem, and doesn't take long to start getting warm. Checked wiring and connections all look fine I'll take carbs off and check them over tomorrow
  7. E T

    1127 ignition issue

    I didn't know there was only one pick up on these motors , as only ever had early 750's and air cooled 1100. That's why after changing coil and no difference I thought maybe pick up. This afternoon I checked coils with meter. The manual says to set meter at x1Kohms but but the 3 different ones I have go from 200, 2k & so on so set it at 2k and both coils give same readings. Put new plugs in and fired it up starts no problem but tick over is not right sounds like running on 2 . If I piss about and get it past 4500 revs it runs on 4 and will rev cleanly but header pipes on 2 & 3 no where near as hot as 1 &4 the coil for 2 & 3 is warm not hot but noticeably warmer than 1 & 4. Anybody any ideas what I should be looking for ?
  8. My 7/11 slabby has been sitting under a cover since last September, I had it about finished and tank started leaking so got that repaired and haven't touched it since, put fuel in it the other day and it fired up straight away but not running right. 1&4 ok as exhaust getting hot 2&3 just warm took tank off and coil for 2&3 was hot so changed coil and tried again but no change so thinking pick ups might be faulty and hopefully not cdi. So is there a way to test the pick ups ? The only spare pick ups I have are from a 85 750 and as the rotor is different I take it they wont work on 1127 motor.
  9. No probs bud
  10. Replied
  11. @TonyGeei have a pdf file on the katana 1100sr but can't send it on here, can e-mail or WhatsApp it to you if you pm me
  12. @TonyGee8mm longer, sorry didn't reply yesterday got side tacked on another build cos parts turned up, you know what its like . My Katana had the servo clutch but it has been removed, servo mounted where the coils normally are.
  13. I'll measure it tomorrow, think its only 8 or 10mm longer
  14. @TonyGeehttps://www.Eblag.co.uk/itm/364041752257?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=FdZ-WIosQCa&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=WZQlKv3IROO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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