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Everything posted by clivegto

  1. There was a good right up on old site about this by musthava (I think). Busa pistons are about 2mm down the block giving a comp of arount 8 to 1. From memory the dot head raises comp by 1.2 to 2 he said the block needs to be decked so yes it can be done. Was going to do it myself but never got round to it.
  2. I had a slingshot sump on a b12 with micron headers on but they were of a 1100.
  3. Thank you think dj146 mains would be good for my setup.
  4. Was there a main jet size ? The ones I have look to be 100 mains 5 1/4 turns out on air screw and needles set in the middle, looks standard to me but it seems like a lot of turns out on the air screws.
  5. Any one know standard settings for mk2 b12 carbs, and may be rough settings for a 1052 motor with a flowed head, am also going to use hindel down pipes with race can bell mouths and ram air socks.
  6. I have one looks to be 226mm.
  7. clivegto

    carb ID

    These ones are mk2 b12.
  8. Thanks, last one I took out did this.
  9. How do you get the tank breather thing out of the tank without damaging it ?
  10. clivegto


    750k one. Looks just the same as the one on my 1052 motor at the moment.
  11. clivegto


    They all fit as far as I know but you need the oil pickup for the oil pump and sometimes the return pipes in the sump. Have changed a couple about myself. Look at the K model just a bump in the middle of sump rather than the b12 box one to the left of the sump. Slabby ones are quite flat but cooler pipes are on the bottom.
  12. Seem to remember reading a old thread by Del some where that most fit but can't remember which, I need to know as well.
  13. What main jets needle height and air screw settings are some of you using on vm 33"s on a 1052 motor ?
  14. Have these two 750 slabby arms one was sold to me of the bay of e as 1100 which it is not but which models are they from ?
  15. Cool M8, but was wondering about with no lockup clutch.
  16. Was wondering what oil people are using in there oil boiler's without any clutch slip ?
  17. clivegto

    Yoshi sleeper

    Lovely looking bike and very interesting. Who's is it ?
  18. Thank you. What do 1100 slabbys rev to ?
  19. What do bandit 600's rev to as have 600 cdi that I am thinking of fitting to a slabby 1052 motor with a teapot loom. Also what does the pickup look like on the 600 does it have 1 or 2 pickup's ?
  20. Not where I live. Looks good Kid, you can soon spend a lot of time just cleaning and painting the engine never mind building it (lots more time).
  21. clivegto

    750 sump

    Why I ask is the hindel pipe I am planning on fitting to me NWS slabby was from a 750 slingshot. Motor is a 1052 so just a little taller but has same sump as in pic and 750 frame. Suppose it might depend on frame clearance for link pipe as well.
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