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Everything posted by clivegto

  1. Hi all, is there more than one tank design for the gsxr 1100 slabsidea ?
  2. I only did 2nd but should have done both really. B12 dogs are undercut as standard. Herd Rodger had hurt his arm really badly, might not be able to help, you could always ring him though.
  3. I like the new paint and the old paint.
  4. I replaced my b12 2nd gear a few years ago now, it was the rounded dogs that cause it to jump out of gear. They apparently can be recut but I got new ones from Robinsons foundry with the OSS 10% discount. You could put second hand ones in but they do tend to be worn somewhat already. 2nd and 5th dogs mesh together if I remember correctly, also look at the fork selectors for wear.
  5. Must have had a lot of cider I would not have sold it, looks good.
  6. I have a 1340 motor and would not run it without a lock up clutch.
  7. They are as hard as hell. gsxrsam slotted my last ones.
  8. Yes worth doing only need to get your cam wheels slotted and a few basic tools made up. But it does take time to do.
  9. This is a spare one I have, if I remember rightly the one on my bike is same as your pic with 2 outlets to carbs.
  10. I did, cut it off at top inside tank and block top bit. Not so good when it rains and you need to put petrol in though.
  11. Have you got a pic of the upper bushing ?
  12. It came with the kit I original bought, apparently it had been on 2 other bikes before mine. Presume Dave Dunlop made it as he made the original kit. Lookup facet 12v electric fuel pump.
  13. Lookup facet 12v electric fuel pump.
  14. Yes there is a little scavenge pump on it. I have a carb jet in the banjo bolt on oil feed to turbo to raise oil pressure.
  15. I fitted busa pistons after the standard ones blew to bits.
  16. Looks good that, nice and clean.
  17. Probably about 2000 pounds at a guess.
  18. Just done this, it is a early r1 brace and a bit of flat bar. More pics in projects under Me NWS slabby.
  19. I have a 1052 motor with a flowed dot head and it is a fast motor never had it on a dyno yet. As John says its a whole different animal even though this one is still a standard 1052cc bore.
  20. Not done the conversion myself but think it can be done. In my opinion best power upgrade is to get the head flowed and carbs set up right. The dot head will raise comp and if followed will save the cost of fresh pistons. If no dot head then skim standard head and get it flowed. Cheapest power upgrade in my opinion. PS edit not work as I wished
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