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Winged Hammer
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Everything posted by fatblokeonbandit

  1. No idea bout talon hubs apart from they are fookin' expensive, a twin disc hub was nearly £400 on its own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! those ISR hubs are 8,880 Swedish kroner for a rear with cush drive, I think that's £870 pounds But I could be wrong.... thsi is why I used triumph wheels much cheaper but still expensive
  2. Shiney pipes I had trouble with the small carbon can and the noise tests at cadwell, so I got a scuffed 50mm can off of e**y and chopped it down, fake Yoshi badge and Voila much easier to baffle and keep quite for the tests.
  3. Mines first reg october 1983 and says magnum 2 on th v5. And the frame number is HP with a 3 didgit number in the mid 480's
  4. Only time ive been successful doing this was with a small left handed drill...as it cut in it bit and it whizzed out
  5. My mag 2, I couldn't find a frame number either until I scraped all the old paint off the head stock and there it was, HP and 3 digits looked like a 3 year old had stamped it!!!!!! once it was powder coated I couldn't read it so I got an ally plate with it stamped on and fixed it on.. I was told the mark 1's don't have the 2 fairing fixings on the bottom rail on the side, and mark 2's do..
  6. anyway, after much family visiting and doing a track day at Pempray in the pissing rain, time to crack on shiny sparkly clean mikkies, care of Mcmental fitted the remote tick over adjuster from a gsxr as well all know what a pian bandit carbs are got my down pipes back from froudys polishing shop
  7. Get linear springs of the correct rate for your weight, m6ch better than progressive ones, not sure if anyother internals fit though
  8. Same part numbers same parts shipmate
  9. I didnt know jackie chann had a slabby???
  10. Nooooooooo.... i havent finished fitting yhe big 1216 engine yet, too much work too little time!!
  11. Nope Triumph, the front a Thunderbird sport wheel, the only twin disc 17 x 3.5 incher,, The rear is a hub from the same but it was only 4.5 inches, I had a stainless 5.5 inch rim made and fitted. Cost a bloomin' fortune but worth it I think,,,??? I'm still not 100% convinced about them..
  12. Nope its fitted with a nice stainless stone guard
  13. Fodster, hows my yamagamamama is it still going??
  14. Oh?? Thanks very much Jay111 I think
  15. thats good i thought id missed somthing.!! but what dose it mean, is it good or bad??
  16. Am I being old and stupid ?? What dose "For The Mother Fucking Win" Mean????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  17. Am I being old and stupid ?? What dose "For The Mother Fucking Win" Mean???
  18. Am i being old and stupid?? Whats FTMFW mean??
  19. dose it knock under load, on the over run, all the time????
  20. Its going to be a few weeks yet, as work and visiting relatives is getting in the way!! Track day booked in 5 weeks so it needs to be sorted, that's if the engine is a non smoker this time
  21. what exhaust..????? if its b12 down pipes and a race can go up 10% on mains as a satrt point
  22. do the easy things first, disconnect the cable at the handlebar switch, it must be slack then, if still revving wind the tick over screw right out, if still no joy check for air leaks, do all this before removing the carbs.
  23. If the b12 is standard the filters wont make a farts worth of difference apart from make them more difficult to get to run right, stick with the airbox until its modified
  24. I haven't as I sort of made it up as I went along, but when ive fitted the callipers and ensure its all good, ill do a drawing and post it here
  25. Got a bit more doen, I had a tiny oil leak from the front sprocket area, been ignoring it, found this when I took the neutral switch out to swop them,!! swoped the pick ups over as well, bandit on left gsx power screen on right.. I used to be able to lift the enginjes up and down off my bench on my own,, not any more. old age setting in, needed another fatbloke to help anyway its in!!
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