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Winged Hammer
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    Trowbridge, the cosmic centre of the universe

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  1. What loom have you got?? ive used dot heads on serval B12 and to good effect, What cams re you using?? Im sure you wont, but don't forget about the cam wheels and chain difference
  2. Bugger me that's
  3. If at first you don’t succeeded, fek it off and go to the pub got there In the end shipmate
  4. you need to pull the front of the chain up tight before fitting the exhaust cam and lining that up first at least now you can see how many teeth you are out and just move the chain amount
  5. Yes
  6. No....................
  7. 27 years and counting, its hardly changed at all
  8. 28 and counting
  9. Ahh Haaaa we are converting you all to bandits, one at a time
  10. I think 1100 oil cooled are 775 mm and water cooled are 765mm, thats why they are good for 1200 Bnadit as they are 775mm as well
  11. Haven’t been able to use clip ones for 20 odd years due to knackered knees
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