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Everything posted by Duckndive

  1. Gasket so far ....not got head of yet........
  2. Stick with stock fibres and steels........and as said soak in oil overnite before fitting..............
  3. well arrived at Bulldog after the epic overland 15min drive... unpacked the van and set up camp bike on stand wrapped up for Friday morning so off for a few beers and music.....rise reasonably early and ventrure of to scruteenering.."ooh clutch seems a bit grabby on the ride round" never mind bike checked over by the nice man and equipment checked by the nice lady.....go see Sue and get signed on...buy some oil to top up level as a little low with the 2nd cooler........Set off down staging lanes and at 3 from the get go..hold up due to accident on return road ..Opppps hope he,s OK....3/4 hr later and we enter the water box long burn out to clean the scabby rear dunlop....stage and a crap 60ft and off booost it winds up and gets a move on punch button a few times thru the traps at a pi55 poor 11.4 but a lick of speed 145mph.......shaking its head a little all the way....so after getting ticket bimble back to camp...and strip out the clutch.... comes out Dry as a Dry thing thats Dry and a couple with a few missing fibre's.....so dive into the say what now!? clutch plate stash and sort a set out to soak over nite.... pulled the plugs and fueling looks ok ... After a breif siesta Beer o,clock and more music food...chat and talk 5hite etc... Get up early and start to reload....then drop clutch spring spacer "see told you i can be an idiot without needing lights"....drain oil into tray and decant into spare fuel can....lie bike on side and remove sump to retreive spacer.. bolt it all back together and hey presto a 1/2 decent clutch...."dragging a tad" most likily due to wrong stack height with the lock up forgot vernier so dont have a base line to go from..but its ok for a run and may ease up after a bimble round to the return road.... Bimble round to the return road and clear it,s throat go and sign on and twatie the fire up road close's for the demo,s ..So watch demo,s and then hot foot it to the bike and get to front of queue "well 6 from front".....Little Paul has been revving me up so brain in gear nice long burnout....select 1st and pre-stage...wind it up to 7k and into stage...a better but not brill 1:9 60ft ......punch 2nd ,3rd get to the 1/8th and bang as punch 4th..."1st thought was #uc# intake rubber off" then as i look down i can see the smoke from No4 then No1 .... so off the throttle and coast off.......park up on return road after being check by the fire marshall's and hitch lift back to be meet by daughter and little Paul with the slip to be told it ran 9.96...was going 125 at the 1/8 i knew it was going well.....but after the 1/8th it was dying......on the plus side if it ran thru with a few more mph then it would have been around 9.6 ish....so back to the playpen and pull the head off to see if anything else is poorly.... can see the attraction of the oil bolier & turbos..Now.... And a Big thanks to Little Paul and my daughter for pushing it back to camp......."its not the lightest of toys"
  4. Well cams are def GS#### ...Clutch looks GS1000... as does G-box infact it all looks Suzuki GS ish................ the starters should have part no,s on them.....ooh and the clutch plates dont look OEM.....more like EBC....
  5. Last Min Dot Com...but ready for Bulldog now ....
  6. Yes ..its often the case when someone buys a well known iconic bike..."that was #######,s bike" i think he,s done the right thing and put his own "tag" on it so to speak....... i like the paint and think its bought the bike upto date......the old paint was nice "but old" .......... All IMHO.................
  7. I ran RS38s on stock fuel hights no probs......."well aside from the fuel tap being in the way"
  8. Got back from the smoke early so did some remembering and found the ditch pump jets....... Pulled the Super E off and dropped out the main a no 30 Drill "big Hole" ...As Ditch Pump jets are in old money the chart is handy ref Given that last time i used this carb in anger was on a 1400cc Motor with a B Flow rajay more cc's and wind .... So i think a No 36 Drill will be nearer the mark on the little 1216cc with T3 subject to a plug chop ....
  9. Well that proved easier to say than do... but after a minor dismemberment around the headstock we now have a working tacho.... Still got no idiot lights but a can be an idiot without them...........on the plus side tested shifter & swopped front tyre for an air tight version.. have also found another oil cooler to fit ...Bracket needs a minor mod and holes redrilling ..and just got to remember where me spare S&S main jets are and swop for a leaner one.....
  10. Ok then put bike in neutrel and use a meter to find the one that is continuious to earth.... But as Captain Chaos said blue is often netural on suzuki switch
  11. with the swich off the motor it should be easy to spot "work out" which is netural connection .....by the orentation of the contacts ... .no idea what the others are for "unless they are gear retards for 1 -2 -3" ..............
  12. LoL Yes It looks like being last min dot com again...as working most this weekend... Wiring fault "niggle" is proving to be a royal pain....so am going to bypass the loom to fix the tacho niggle as a stop gap... and will just swop out the front wheel for the one in the outlaw...... Also Need to lean it out a tad as its way to rich ..but thats a 5 min job..... On the plus side racegas on the way......
  13. drill the underside of the inlet port to fit the foggers ....................
  14. Another one i liked......
  15. Without a regulator it will def be getting to much fuel from a pump... but like has been said you should not need a pump in the 1st place...... Pics would be good we like piccys .............
  16. Ok i dont have the retaining bolts but caps screws are easy to get from your local eng merchant So 4 rocker shafts with springs and rocker arms with adjusters ..... All in good condition ....£45 posted
  17. Sounds like starter clutch rollers are not gripping the starter gear to turn it over ..............
  18. DUg the little critters out a few mins ago.....i,ll put a good set together and do another pic later
  19. Just Another hybrid i intend to do at some point.......
  20. Minor update as in fitted some side panels ... No leaks on air shifter holds 120 psi for 24hrs ,,shame the front tyre do'nt hold 36psi for the same .... And just an irritating wiring fault to rectify now..........
  21. I,ll dig out what i have tomorrow "sunday" then message you .........what part of the uk are you in ?
  22. At the old Langham house of speed.................i did like that one ....cool as penguin pi55 ..............
  23. I most likily have the shafts and springs and may have rockers......as said i,ve used gsxr rockers as well.............
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