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  1. Past hour
  2. I was talking about 750s. Valves are too small to be an 1100 head. Our 1100s in the states are the same as yours, only the 750s stuck around longer here.
  3. Tight enough to prevent movement = no isolation for vibes!
  4. The 'K' was a long stroke 1127 for us in UK / Europe!
  5. cheers for the comments. Oil cooler relocated. More photos in my post
  6. Today
  7. L would make sense. It was an odd ball year, first year back as a long stroke and last year with tappets. Checked my factory manual. L heads had 27 intake and 24 exhaust valves.
  8. The perpose of using a second hand yoke would be so the whole process could be reversed if it wasn’t successful
  9. The bars would still have to be tight. I would expect the knurling on both the bars and yolk would provide a tight grip as long as the clamp was tight enough. The reaming out would need to be a progressive process to ensure the grip wasn’t lost.
  10. Had a play with the oil cooler tonight. Moved brackets round and flipped the oil cooler 180°. Sitting and looks a load better now
  11. Aircooled RD Yamaha 250/400 handlebar clamps have rubber mounts where they attach to the top yoke. I think daz makes a good point in suggesting having not ridden a bike for a few years you may be tensed up and gripping the bars too tightly. I find it always helps to relax on the bike, although this is now often a challenge given the amount of numpties on phones when driving, potholes, and mobile roadblocks (i.e. hgvs following their satnavs down totally unsuitable rural roads). Rant over.
  12. Thank you for the replies. I found a good condition 750 head with pistons on Eblag this morning. Hopefully when I get the top end off I won’t have too much valve work needed. I was thinking about just replacing them all but after seeing the cost I quickly changed my mind lol.
  13. if you mean putting rubber between the bar and the clamp then as said its an accident in waiting !!!!! any rubber mounting should be where the handlebar clamp bolts through the top yoke.
  14. The bike is a slingshot oiler, , been told it’s an L head but most I’ve seen differ in the way the oil ways are a part of the gasket face and not seperate like most I’ve seen
  15. I wouldn't! - you want bars solidly mounted - imagine what happens in an 'oh shite' moment and the bars rotate due to the rubber - Messy!
  16. Baja foam grips there's a blast from the past LoL
  17. You can get foam grips ,I don't like them personally but as a last resort it may help
  18. Now there is an interesting idea. Easy to instal and if needed remove. Like it ! I also thought about picking up a second had top yoke, reaming out the handlebar clamp to allow enough space to dampen the bars with some rubber inner tube. I would not do that to the original yoke but a second hand one might be worth experimenting with.
  19. Will look at that cheers buddy. I just stuck it on out of the way so it didn’t get damaged. When I’ve got the headers I’ll have a play and reposition it
  20. How’s it going buddy? It’s only stuck there out of the way till I get the headers then I’ll have a play with it
  21. If the cooler was turned upside down using straight hose connections and the mounts revised - you'd gain a ton of space and still not conflict with the bottom yoke. It does seem to be hanging low!
  22. I've got a feeling the stud spacing is different between the 750 and the 850/1000 heads! Also due to the 'Hemi' combustion chamber shape with the two valve heads, you'd have a really low compression ratio + the valves would likely smack the pistons due to higher lift and no valve cut outs on the pistons! All in all, not an easy swap!
  23. Anything that increases the bars' mass and is a 'loose' substance - Sand, lead or steel shot, Mercury ! (although I wouldn't recommend that LOL) Heavy bar end plugs often used on 'naturally' vibey bikes - odd cylinders or Vee configurations, only problem with them is increased width for squeezing through gaps !
  24. Not heard of a four valve being converted to two valve. Not sure it is possible without a lot of work. Don't remember a four valve 850 but other markets got some odd stuff. May be worth a search
  25. Had similar vibration problems with GSX. Made some heavy stainless bar ends and that helped
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