Bike of the Month October 2015

BOTM oct 2015

As the autumn air begins to nip, we dig deep to harness the enthusiasm and kick on the determination to see the final few nights of the summer months astride our newly resurrected machines. This month’s Bike of the Month award goes to a GS which has challenged to the last but is oh so worthy.

For those who have not yet caught up with 370steve’s progress thread in the OSS Member Project section of the forum, where have you been!? Read all about it here.

Crack a beer, 370steve! That’s one beauty of a machine you’ve built yourself there.

Bike of the Month September 2015

BOTM-Sep15As a sub-genre of an elite group of motorcycles, the Turbo ET has come into its own in the past year and one in particular stands out from the crowd.

This month’s Bike of the Month award goes to the busiest, most social of all the ETs in the gang – stand up and take a bow Paulm. The ‘company demonstrator’ has a lot to answer for.

To discuss click here

Bike of the Month August 2015

BOTM August  2015


Amongst the buzz of returning home, catching up with old friends and new motorcycles, Terrible Thunderlizard has been delighted with the array of projects the members have been working on and sharing on the site.

This month’s Bike of the Month Award goes to the machine which has ben reborn in front of our very eyes on return of the site – Leblowski’s Bakker Turbo.

Click  here to see the build thread under the Trick Frames section.

Leblowski, congratulations

To discuss click here




Bike of the Month July 2015

BOTM 07 2015
After so many years in the wilderness it is great to have our URL live again with a front page and a buzzing and active forum. While the Admin team that built this new site were busy running the Facebook page and plotting the return of OSS one man called Ash took the initiative to start the temporary forum. We and many other OSS junkies owe you a big fat thank you for all the work that you put in to running that forum.
To celebrate the return of the site and as a way of showing our thanks to you for all your work we want to bestow upon you the honour of being the recipient of our very first “Bike of the month”.

Bask in the glory my fiend, you earned it.

With thanks from all of us.

BTW, yes BOTM is back so get building 🙂

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