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Everything posted by CockneyRick

  1. Always a risk of the quality if you're nowhere near to em. Who are they & mebbe you might get a recco. Or even get a 2nd hand braced swinger (srad/R1 etc) Cut it off & get a local Ally welder to sort it for a lot less than £210
  2. I'll have another set if you got owt left. Might as well bang em in the 34's i have. Wondering if they'd work in the EFE &GS CV's i have???
  3. As per "general" post on Motobatt batteries, avoid em now. I always sung their praises until 2 failures in 2 years. Turns out they're made in China now & the QC on them is terrible. Last supplier i got off said to me he's dropping them cos of so many returns
  4. Unless they're 91/92 model bodies, they're not gonna be much use. 40's were only used on these years
  5. Don't look it, but easiest way to tell is if you have any size Mikuni jet & it won't screw in, then they're DJ
  6. Must be my eyes, inlet side looks like 34mm to me? Which would suggest they're off a GSX1100F/G but then again, they don't have a choke knob, but run a cable to the bars!
  7. Nothing to judge them again'st. Got a good set of BST34's on the drag bike atm, & thought mebbe the 38's are a better route to take later in the "tweak" stage
  8. Here's the one Dave knocked up for me, flat collector for clearance & Yoshi style look about it
  9. Wow, well according to my 38's & your 36's the difference in needle protrusion is a huge 11mm! I would guess that it's simply a case of setting em up & hope for the best as "average" settings here are gonna count for nothing.
  10. Measured the step & top of slide to base is 54mm. Step side is 52mm so the step takes up 2mm of the 4mm of the new washer. So 2mm sits above the base of slide. On the worn ones, 1 to 1.5mm sits above the step so there's a discrepancy there. However, i have never had these carbs on a bike & would guess that given how badly worn they are, the bike they came off must have been running pretty lean, on middle clip position! So until others come along with the measurement for needle protrusion for a std needle on middle clip, i will move mine back to that (59mm) & assume that is the best option till it's properly set up & it then gives me lean/rich adjustment options.
  11. Not got any unworn ones! As for locating, pretty sure without butchering it to see, that they are properly located.
  12. They're already off carbs duh! Anyhoo, they are 2.8 to 3mm thick 1 & 2 are stepped normally, 3 & 4 are stepped on 2 sides! So these are very poorly worn. However, if the Metal ones are normal thickness, then my needle protrusion for middle clip should be 59mm normally. Can anyone confirm this please?
  13. This is in no way a criticism, just an observation that i have passed on to @jonny1bump I have fitted these to my BS38's & before, needle protrusion was at 61mm with clip in middle of 5. After fitting, the protrusion was down to 59mm. So i raised clip to top notch of 5 & needle then protruded 61mm again. My point was, has anyone had this when they fitted, or as J1 suggests, they were made the right thickness to stop this happening? I will strip mine down again & double check it all, but chances of all 4 not seating correctly is remote. I can only think the step in 38's isn't as deep? Only way of really knowing would be to cut the slide apart, if my depth gauge won't fit
  14. Whilst the rings don't have the step, the diaphragm slides most likely do. Shine a torch down the hole & have a look to see the step
  15. 1st or 2nd class stamp will cover it, very small Jiffy or even taped to paper in an envelope
  16. Just a thought & tell me it's bollocks, but would it be better if the hole was "chamfered" as these needled here are badly worn & that was from plastic! Where it has gone silver on the neck, it has worn nearly a 1/3 through on some of em! Have to say though, not a clue what they are, was a strange mix of DJ & Mikuni parts in one set of carbs, so could be cheap Chinese shite?
  17. And if yo And if you know the OSS password, 10% off. Also if you ring Michelle, she gives 15% off
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